
Yeah, no. My interest in any case in which women fight an abusive patriarchal system does not extend to instances in which those same women willingly and gleefully worked to oppress and abuse others.

Did anyone make a “the only true Catwoman is Julie Newar, Lee Meriweather, or Eartha Kitt” reference yet? No? Okay, that.

Same! Of course, this could all still be true in that case. There’s beards-a-plenty in Hollywood.

This is why heterosexuals shouldn’t be allowed to get married.

Doesn’t sound like a very cinematic movie, to me.

Invasion! was 30 years ago?!? Holy shit, I’m old.

Almost certainly.

Thank Christ I can finally watch Dan in Real Life, anytime I want, without even getting off my sofa.

Unnecessary, but thanks anyway, I guess.

I’ve seen lazier screenplays than Jexi’s made into a movie, but it’s hard to recall precisely when. Even by romcom standards, it is heartbreakingly stupid.

Just saw this today. I’ve seen lazier scripts made into a movie, but it’s hard to recall precisely when. What a waste of a great cast.

David Oyelowo is a bold choice to play Bill Clinton.

Let’s maybe see how well Jay and Silent Bob Reboot does before making any plans, whaddya say, Kev?

Honestly, I live for teamup movies, so I’m totally onboard with this A-Force business, even if it is blatant fan service. But just knowing how much it will piss off the incels is absolutely all the rationale needed to make it.

I’m pretty sure Poprocks was kidding.

Oh, not at all. It leaves me as the pretentious douche who knows more about superhero films than Martin Scorsese, certainly, by Scorsese’s own admission. But pretentious douche Martin Scorsese, while definitely knowing more about film in general than I do, has no more valid an opinion on the value of superhero films

No, he is NOT.

Nope! Not a thing. I am your God.

I wonder how many times Ronan Farrow’s friends ask him to sing, just to fuck with him?
