

Man, you guys are shooting down ALL the early Oscarbait. Cats can’t win ALL the Academy Awards, guys.

Meanwhile, I guess I better step it up if I want to see Judy in theaters. Like Garland herself, looks like its theater run might be somewhat abrupt.

Global cum is what holds the families of the world together.

I’m not in a particular rush to see Joker, but I’ve never doubted that, tiresome as it might be, it was better than fucking VENOM, of all films. Still, at least Venom knows what is.

R.I.P. you festive, ball-chinned man!

The hysteria seems to be coming mostly from DC fanboys outraged that anyone would dare criticize this pretentious piece of shit. Same thing happened with Dark Knight Returns before it was released, and then it turned out to be a piece of shit, and the furor died right down. I notice I haven’t heard all that much about

That’ll teach him.

Your screed would have a point if I didn’t start out by saying that I’ll take Jenkin’s opinion over Scorsese’s. Scorsese is entitled to his old man opinion, though I don’t respect it, or give a fuck if people agree with it. I was not defending my opinion, or Jenkins’; they need no defense. I was openly mocking the

Salient point, internet nobody! You’ve successfully destroyed the argument of the director of Moonlight and If Beale Street Could Talk, films critically renowned for exactly what he was praising the Russos for! Amazing!

Actually, I remember your post, and I was the one who responded with “all of them” (except Best Song). I certainly never mentioned how much money it made. I specifically made my argument on artistic merit. But then, I’m not a film poser prejudiced against the notion that there can’t be artistry and emotion in any film

I would absolutely agree that film buffs 60 years from now will be watching Ant-Man and the Wasp, as well as the other Marvel Studios films.

That’s just fine. I’ll take Barry Jenkins’ respect over Martin Scorsese’s get-off-my-lawning any day of the week.

I was wondering what those cameras were doing on my lawn.

Also, I kind of liked Justice League.


Besides Knives Out, this is the movie I’m most looking forward to.

Dragging Nickleback is the laziest form of non-racist comedy there is, but I kind of get it. When I was in junior high, I ALSO felt that my passionate dislike of some bands was a positive personality trait.

Nah, he doesn’t.

Oh, incel. Will you ever know love?