
Right?! And that argument scene was fucking AMAZING!

Oh, please fuck right off, Todd Phillips. Booksmart was funnier than anything you’ve ever done, and no one was complaining about that. And Good Boys is irreverent as fuck, and is still playing in theaters going on two months since it was first released. Maybe you just don’t know as much about comedy as you think you

As usual, Ms. Lansbury is culturally ahead of me.

I didn’t see it, so sure.

Abominable was fine, but Missing Link is much, much better.

Joe Manganiello is a massive D&D nerd, and is nowhere near as douchey as Vin Diesel, so I strongly suggest you switch your allegiance to him.

Ah, yes...Jezebel: the pinnacle of sober, unbiased journalism.

Katie Perry did an AMAZING job of grilling Lewandowski, so I say she can stay.

He was absolutely denied due process. He was entitled to an investigation to determine if his conduct violated Senatorial behavior, which he asked for and welcomed, and then he was forced by Schumer to resign. The Democrats were so afraid of losing the moral highground to Republicans (who literally could not give less

It wasn’t Gillibrand’s fault, it was Chuck Schumer’s, and Franken knows it. Gillibrand was only the first to publicly jump on it to make a name for herself (which backfired spectacularly). The deal was done behind closed doors with Schumer pretty much ordering Franken to resign before he could get due process, which

THANK you. Not sure why the article couldn’t have mentioned that.

Was the man named Lisa Simpson, by any chance?

This is the best news I have ever heard.

I think poodles are ugly as fuck, and I think labradors are one of the best looking breed of dogs, so yes, of course the labradoodle is an abomination.

This is the best news I have ever heard.

You can keep printing articles about this random collection of letters and numbers, but you can’t make me read them.

Yeah, I’m DEFINITELY not seeing this thing opening weekend.

Not particularly....but I didn’t find them funny at the time. I found it pretty offensive that Murphy considered the worst part of having AIDS was people thinking you were gay. But liking some of his stuff doesn’t mean I have to like it all. And finding some of his stuff offensive doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t find

You got the gist of it.

THANK you. I was hoping someone besides me would say that.