
AND sex slavers.

I’m not unsympathetic to Phillips exasperation over the out-sized hysteria surrounding this film, but I think the real difference is that John Wick is winking escapist nonsense, while this Joker film is apparently trying to “say something”, and maybe not the thing the director meant it to.

What kind of psychopath would buy the Samuel L Jackson voice, and then turn off the swearing option?

I can’t speak to the misogyny, but trust me: me and my fellow gays still find that Mr. T stuff hilarious. Would it fly today? Almost certainly not. Thank Christ adults are able to contextualize.

the ones remaining are being disingenuously obtuse by twisting her message.

Hot take: that priest ain’t that hot.

I’m not sure why social media keeps framing this as “adults getting mad at a kid”. To my mind, this does an incredible disservice to Greta Thunberg, who has conducted herself in an extremely mature - if passionate - manner. Acting like the big deal is a bunch of thuggish adults berating a defenseless young girl is

I’m seeing a lot of reporting in the comics industry media that Fiege wants Ghost Rider in the MCU, and that’s why they pulled the plug.

brilliant Popstar” is my new favorite oxymoron.

Lighten up, Joker.

Fair point. But this Joker shit is tailor-made for some lunatic fanboy copycat. I think Cinemark made the right call.

Downton Abbey is really just a two hour episode of the show, which is fine; it’s pretty much just want fans of the show want. But I don’t feel it does much to justify its existence as a theatrical event.

Thank Christ. Now my favorite saying, “more uncomfortable than a gay guy at the Vagina Museum”, will finally make sense.

Friday night I saw The Peanut Butter Falcon, which was fine, and Angel Has Fallen, which was not. Saturday I saw Downton Abbey, which was exactly like a filler episode of the show where nothing really happens and nothing really changes...which is fine, if you’re a fan of the show, but feels real unnecessary to make a

I’d still bang him for the story.

That’s weird....that’s exactly why I wanted to have sex with him!

Oh, but what about his busy mind. Good for him!

What time and how naked?

In a way, you’re both winners. In another, more accurate way, It: Chapter II is the winner.

Move over, Jeff Dunham! The right now has a new favorite comic! And he doesn’t even have to filter his racism through puppets!