
And Moviepass outlasted Sinemia, the motherfucking assholes who announced an unlimited plan, took my $200, and then shut down their operations in North America. Of all the quasi-ethical shit Moviepass pulled when they began to struggle, they never tried to outright STEAL my fucking money.

As presented in the films, Bucky would never have accepted either the shield, nor the mantle of Captain America. He would never believe himself worthy, given his history. Steve knows this full well, without ever discussing it with Bucky. He might disagree, but he would expect his friend’s decision. Bucky knew exactly

Holy shit, THAT’S what this movie is about? From the incoherent trailer, I was assuming this was some sort of High Life/Annihilation-type sci-fi head nonsense made exclusively for philosophy majors to watch on mushrooms. Either way, this movie could only have benefited from diapers.

If they’d just followed Terminator rules for time travel and had them go naked, they could have saved a ton of time. Also, the film would have made an additional $27 billion.

I give comedians far more leverage when it comes to being offensive than I do most other people, but I do always wonder what specifically some of them mean by defining racism, homophobia, sexism et al as “pushing boundaries”. Andy Kaufman pushed boundaries. Steve Martin pushed boundaries. Mitch Hedberg pushed

Your link to the Vulture piece is actually a link to his Twitter apology, so who’s the real villain, here?

I kept scrolling, but the article kept going.

I’m NEVER gonna fall for this.

I’ve seen the trailer for Last Christmas a couple times now, and while I wouldn’t presume to speak for womankind, I’m positively DELIGHTED that we’re finally getting a movie about how a woman can find the strength to overcome her difficulties if Henry Golding believes in her, which I imagine is exactly what the women

How anyone can look at Roland Emmerich’s IMDB page and go, “Yeah! THAT’S the guy I want making a huge, big budget film for me!” is an absolute mystery.

I think Trey Parker has the politcal and emotional maturity of a 12 year old, but god damn that motherfucker’s funny. South Park is pretty much exhibit A in how a thing can be both funny and offensive. There’s a lot of stuff that’s just flat-out terrible, in that in nearly every episode, they take a complex social

Well, one hopes.

I never understood why they got so much flack for that. Nearly everyone is bigger than Jesus. People were really fucking short back then.

This article fails to answer the most crucial question: Did Ringo get better?!

Man, just imagine how much longer Yesterday could have been.

Seems unfair to dismiss something out of hand, but this doesn’t sound at all like what I want from John Mulaney.

McConaughey SHOULD have been an excellent Flagg, absolutely. I still thought he did a decent job, but you can only do so much in such a mediocre film.

The frustrating thing is, I’ve seen him be menacing before. He has a very brief part in A Perfect Getaway (though, to be fair, in that he’s playing a more-or-less straight up thug), and he’s scary as fuck. Honestly, he exhibited more menace while he was being manipulated by Bradley Whitford’s crew in Cabin in the

Are you suggesting that’s unreasonable?

Also, I have not clicked on the link at the bottom of the page which purports to tell us the real reason Don Knotts left the Andy Griffith Show, but I feel confident in deducing from what I’ve seen of the show that it’s because Aunt Bee was a little too “handsy” on set. No need to confirm my suppositions; I’ve got an