
I saw Blinded By the Light last night and DID NOT CARE FOR IT. On the other hand, I saw Yesterday last week, and kind of liked it. Is it because I prefer the music of the Beatles over the music of Bruce Springsteen, or because one is an interesting - if flawed - examination of talent, fame, and ambition, while the

Well, that’s certainly worth burning someone alive.

In fairness, I have not.

I, also, do not know the meaning of the term esprit d’escalier.

Also, I’ve read The Stand at least a dozen times. Who the fuck is “Cobb”?

Pfft. Goldberg only got this cause Ruby Dee passed away in 2014. Everyone knows Dee had first refusal on all over-the-top elderly black matriachs.

I love Alexander Skarsgard, and find him charismatic as fuck, but I don’t know if I’ve ever found him MENACING, even on True Blood. Not sure this is a good choice. It reminds me of Chris Hemsworth in Bad Times at the El Royale: charisma oozing from his pores, but no real threat behind his eyes.

Bravo. This is exactly how I feel.

It’s derivative...but brings something new. Alrighty.

This was a joke, people.

My favorite Judy Garland story:

Anything less than eight minutes would be a grave insult.

Also, congratulations to Jasmin Reate on her transition!

Wesley Snipes will be delighted to find out he starred in Coming to America in 1988, but less so when he finds out the makeup team made him look like Arsenio Hall throughout the entire film.

Ah, he’s doing The Day Shall Come, yah? That one’s on my radar.

There were things I loved about it, but overall, it was fairly mediocre.

I’m seeing Hustlers this weekend, but I’m not jazzed about it. After Ocean’s 8, Widows and The Kitchen (which were all underwhelming to varying degress, despite the bright spots in each), my enthusiasm for heist films in general, and women-centric heist films in particular, is at a fairly low ebb.

Seen The Farewell; enjoyed it. Don’t care for Soderbergh. The only James Grey I’ve seen was Lost City of Z, which I liked, but not enough to make him a “must see” director. I don’t know who Christopher Morris is.

I might be excited for Ad Astra if I could get through the trailer without falling asleep.

Trying to decide if Angel Has Fallen is worth paying essentially nothing to see...