
The trailer makes this look like unvarnished Oscarbait, but I like the cast. I’m on the fence about seeing it. There’s literally nothing worthwhile being released between now and October.

Good god, Kaitlin Olson is a lucky woman.

Wow...thank you for this. I stand corrected. Had no idea King had based that on a real-life incident.

And yet, thanks to the stupid laws of this country, he can’t run for President in 2020.

It’s always fun seeing who will be Tom Cruise’s next 20-years-younger beard love interest.

Mine too!

I don’t disagree with that.

Ritchie is in no way written as gay.

This. Grazer gives by far the best performance in Chapter One, and absolutely murders every scene he’s in. Beverly is clearly the anchor of the film as written, but Grazer provides 80% of the heart of that movie.

Disagree. See my previous post.

King almost certainly never intended Adrian Mellon’s murder to be a commentary on the violence that the LGBTQ community faces, at least not in the way we currently regard such things. “It” was published in 1986, twelve years before Matthew Shepard was murdered; long before the nation gave any kind of shit about people

None of the children were attracted to Beverly in a sexual sense; they were all prepubescent. Ben had a schoolboy crush on her, which matured into something more, but they were all much too young for sexual arousal in the book (which makes the sewer gangbang all the more absurd).

It’s definitely not outside the realm of possibility that a closeted gay man could also have serious Mommy issues, but I agree with you. Clearly as originally written, anyway, Eddie’s not gay.

There’s no way either Eddie or Richie are canonically gay. I don’t really mind them making Ritchie gay in the film; it’s incidental to the plot and they’re not obnoxious about it.

I give Peele credit for swinging for the fences, but Us is a pretty big miss. Then again, expectations were huge after Get Out. Even is Us had been legitimately good, it probably still would have felt like a letdown.

Silence of the Lambs was the last movie to genuinely scare me; that lights-out basement scene, specifically. Jaws remains the scariest movie I have ever seen.

I get your point, but this is really a pretty mild spoiler. It’s incidental to the main story, and it’s a foregone conclusion from the very beginning of the scene. “Clown kills child” isn’t much of a spoiler in a film about a clown that kills children.

I have never seen anything in my life that was worth clapping for eight minutes. Not one thing. Do you know how long eight fucking minutes is? That is completely ludicrous.

Saturday at the movies! I saw:

I had minimal interest in a Joker movie even before I heard that it was going to completely ignore the source material. I am not interested in the Joker’s origin; I am interested in him only as he relates to Batman, and I don’t need to understand his origin for their dynamic to work. I especially don’t want to see