
@foodandshoes: It's that way even in non-liberal places. I live in suburban Texas, and the PP by my old apartment was in a strip mall with a tacky nail salon and a women's gym. I never did go into it, but it didn't look locked at all. Now that I think about it, I'd be pretty terrified to work there.

@lxd42: How is the underreporting/not taking seriously of male DV victims the fault of feminism, of all things? First, DV and the concept of physically punishing one's wife is a very, very old thing. Like, Biblically old. The domestic violence narrative for most of history has been one of "man beats wife", which is

Oh, I have another worst: when I was 10, one of my dad's friends gave me a carbon monoxide detector.

Worst: High school BF wrote a fanfic about me, except it was really about him, it was a spaghetti western manga without pictures, poorly written and involved him fighting my father.

@MalinaMango: Is it wrong that I find catfish cloacas endlessly more fascinating than SouljaBoy?

@MargaretMoony: I read a profile on him in which he shares with the interviewer that since he's been on the road, his cat has been mad at him. So he was leaving cat treats around and trying to win the cat back. It was kind of adorbs.

@HarpMadness: I do love it when we have those visitors pass through, and so considerate of them to bring their straw-men along!

@Adah: I wasn't trying to flame anyone, and if it came off as harsh, I apologize.

@envirodesigner: I take issue with people saying that they are "personally pro-life but understand the right to choose". No. If YOU would never have an abortion, but believe that other women should have the right to make their own choices, you are pro-choice. Period.

Bravo, DeRossi. Bravo.

@you've got red on you: You should ask your friend why she feels the need to so judgmentally label people, and help her examine why she finds expression of female sexuality so offensive.

They all look fierce. And Cache already has her moddle pose down! Her smize makes Ty-Ty proud.

Spencer Pratt is a massive pile of dung.

Somehow, I think it's perversely adorable that Hello Kitty has heart-shaped nipples.

I think this is the first time my jaw actually dropped at an image.

@Flackette Goes Retro: Exactly. I feel this way whenever some asshole says "Why isn't there a White History Month?"

@HelloTitty: Racist and degrading to women? Yep, sounds like /b/tards to me.