
House Republicans then proceeded to make the Democratic Women's Caucus cry by cutting off their pigtails. The Women's Caucus reportedly told the House Republicans to quit it, or they would get Nancy Pelosi to beat them up, and then they would "be sorry". #politricks

Okay, at this point I honestly can't tell the difference between Zoe Deschanel and Katy Perry anymore. I mean, she looks great, but if I see a picture without a name, I have no idea who it is. #hamiltonbehindthecameraawards

@Ultraprison!: Didn't China essentially ban WoW recently? Does this mean we can have our Pandaren? #videogames

@Ipomoea: And *cough* Tauren can't be priests.

@BrookeD: Ellen is a comedienne by training. I feel like she's almost a throwback in her comedic style, and when she has a guest she usually plays an almost vaudeville thing with them - if the guest is silly and loud and big like Mo'Nique, Ellen plays the awkward straight man. If her guest is more of a serious

Okay ladeez, I have a question about the chest-cleavage area. Between my knockers, I have this weird dry skin/scabbage that's almost like a rash that never goes away, or excema (sp?).

This guy is clearly mentally ill. I abhor his actions, but mostly just feel sick and sad looking at these. I can't feel angry.

@Adah: What about Patty Duke in the original? Not only was she hearing and sighted, she had very little acting experience...and by all accounts, gave a fantastic performance. #helenkellerabigailbreslin

Dude who wrote this memo:

I can't help but laugh at the little checkmarks and stars next to the various items, as though someone went though this like, "Yes, yes, oh yes, good point." #reasonsnottohirewomen