
@Hazey Jane: In my high school, we had 2 quarters of sex ed - one in freshman year that focused on abstinence education and the actual reproduction process, and one in senior year that focused on STD prevention and birth control. I really did learn a LOT in those health classes and am ever grateful that I had them. I

Michelle Obama is lovely. But I'm kind of sick of seeing her styled like a pretty pretty princess.

I think if you're having lots of kids, there are probably other things in your life that contribute to your happiness. Like, you are financially secure, and in love, and living a life you enjoy enough to make new people to share it with. #children

@PilgrimSoul: I'm annoyed that she got a forum like the NYT to publish her adolescent musings on reinventing feminism. And I'm 21. I feel like most women who "discover" feminism mostly on their own (without taking classes in history and theory and/or without being raised on the ideology) go through this "awkward

@morninggloria: So is "Feminists need to have a sense of humor" the equivalent of "You know, Marilyn Monroe was a size 14"? #joannelipman

@Hooplehead: Hearted. I wish I could bring all you smart Jezzies around when this shit (or shit like it) comes up with my boyfriend (who tends to take the view that the actions of 1, 2 or 15 men are not reflective of society at large) and my parents (who are simply ignorant). Instead it always comes down to me

Remember kids, wear a condom or the 2 Headed Bra Faced Naked Gay Dudes will come for you. #condoms

Fred Durst and William H. Macy hang out...?????

@wealhtheow: That's true, but the real hero of Aladdin wasn't Jasmine, it was Aladdin - he was the one with the call to adventure; and "The Little Mermaid" always seemed more about getting Ursula away from the Prince than about stopping her from taking over the kingdom. But, full disclosure, I haven't seen it in

@Haystacks: She's the only one who's a "hero" in that traditionally masculine sense. Call to adventure, defeating the big bad, saving the world (there's a whole breakdown of adventure stories that basically all of them follow since time immemorial). The rest of the princesses save themselves or get saved; there's no

Yet another reason Mulan is the best. She's awkward, she has a cool/crazy grandma, she saves China and gets the dude. #disneybridal

@maude_flanders: The thing with soft water is, it's almost impossible to get all the soap out of your hair, off your skin, or anything. It also tastes like a cat's butt.

I think we're missing the point of this flowchart, which is that ALL religions love tacos. #religionflowchart

@annebreal: Ooo, really? I have soft water at my apartment and I can never get my hair really clean. It always looks dull and breaks now. I used to have such nice hair! #allure

@LaFemme: It's supposed to "suck the fat out" of food. So you can take like a shot glass of vinegar, then eat, and the vinegar will disappear the fat, via science. #allure

@ritualtheory: Another starred commenter just trying to butter me up. "Oh, yes, I'm Team Cake, I read gray comments, I'm so populist". Where is your long form birth certificate, madam? #commenting

@toastandlove: Of course, I personally believe that starred commenters are a secret cabal of members of Team Pie, creating an artificial caste system in order to oppress Team Cake. #commenting

@kristinab: It used to be that once you hit 50 followers, you got a star. Once they changed the commenting system, that changed too. They also culled a lot of stars from people. The whole idea was to have fewer people with stars, not more. Now, there's no real way to get a star, as in, "If 51% of your comments are