
@meg9: Every night before I go to bed, I stick gold star stickers all over my body, weeping for my star that never was, my star that would have been.

My groupthink is broke. The last thread it shows is from 10/21/09. It ate my comment just now, but I don't know if that's because I'm an unstarred plebe or what. Anyone else having this problem? #commenting

MoGlo is a commenting superhero. And I totally have a girl crush on her. Yay for MoGlo! #commenters

Did you all hear the blurb on NPR about this this morning? Steve Inskeep was all, "Pepsi's app, 'Amp Up Before You Score", which provided pickup lines for various stereotypical women such as the "foreign exchange student" and the "nerd" has been pulled. The app was targeted at the stereotypical customer, presumably

Hmm. I have a beer-soaked canvas messenger bag stuffed with loose papers. I sit up at Starbucks and eat honey packets until they shoo me away.

The President's so called "magnetic personality" is actually because he is made of a lightweight nickel alloy which protects him from bullets and bullshit.

@Penny: My best friend from 6th grade all the way through high school is a Caroline. She's hilarious and gorgeous and always gettin' up to some hijinks, so I approve this name for a behbeh Penny. #courtney

@wtfox?!: Addendum: Despite claims by one Timberlake, it is not necessary to put one's junk in said box. #falconheene

I love how the camera guy pans out, like "Oh shit oh shit the kid's gonna barf - get that in the shot! NOW!"

@cycles: What the fuck? In my senior photos, there was one portrait of you in your clothes ("business casual" - button down & tie or sweater for guys and blouse or button down or sweater for ladies - no t-shirts or spaghetti straps) and one in this stinky old graduation gown that had been worn by like 400 bajillion

@toastandlove: And the window smashing was just an excuse to sing "Bust Your Windows".

I'd like to address the "Mercedes issue" that some have brought up - that she seems "stupid" for having an (apparently) oblivious crush on the gay kid.

I watch Glee for the same reason I still eat Kraft Mac n Cheese: It's cheesy, it's tasty, it's simple, and I like bright colors.

@taffy: But it did give her an excuse to sing "Bust your Windows", which was awesome.


Oh Sadie, that is NOT SO BAD. That is a terribly cute dress. Put a black cardigan and a wide belt over it, and it would look like something a young, single, flirty Michelle Obama would wear. Wear it with flats to lower the slut factor. It's not so bad at all.