I gotta say, I'm part of this club, too. And I do admire her for sticking with the Republican party. I would imagine for her it's like having a really really huge and really really REALLY embarrassing family.
@Rabbitty: And, thank you.
@Rabbitty: That video is awesome.
The most maddening thing for me is the fact that things like being labeled a "racist" or "sexist" have been so demonized that we can't talk about them. What I mean by that is, if you point out to someone that something or someone is racist, you get almost NO honest, real thought about what that means and that, yes,…
@labeled: You look like an arthropod with a segmented exoskeleton made up of overlapping "plates" which allows you to roll into a spheroid defensive posture?
I'm tubby, and my job is kind of shitty, and my idea of a good time is reading the internet in my underwear while eating a box of Cheez-its, but I think I'm pretty fabulous. And so does my boyfriend. And I think he's pretty fabulous, too, even though he's prematurely balding and leaves his Nintendo DS in the bathroom.
Don't hate the player, hate the game
I can see exactly how this was created. The creative behind this forgot to put his presentation together, went out the night before and got hammered, came home, tried to play some Oregon Trail, got bored, picked up a Penthouse and beat off, fell asleep, and woke up the next morning...realized he didn't have an idea…
@Dhillaz 2.0: You're old fashioned. And I guess Dame Judy Dench and Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor are not "elegant"?
@OneTwoPunch: Of course, Nazi Germany replacing Gretel Bergmann on the 1936 Olympic team because they did not want to be represented by a Jew UNEQUIVOCALLY PROVES that Caster Semenya is a dude.
Judge Judy: Judgement Day
@faerietails: You must be from Texas (or Oklahoma or Arkansas).
I would rather beat my own face in with a frying pan than listen to/read about feminism from someone who doesn't understand the (stupidly simple) concept.
I'm really against schools teaching kids to wash their hands after they poop because kids shouldn't know about poop at all. After all, the liberal school systems never acknowledge that the THEORY that poop is digested food being expelled after the nutrients are removed is only a THEORY. I present my kids with the…
@DaisyGamble: No, they will mock you. But you might have fun.
We should start a Jez betting pool - every time a rapist gets sentenced, we'll do an over-under on how long they actually serve.
@BellaTricks: And fucking PAM GREER!? She should host it.
@bitingfairy: Ilene Chaiken is the real Jenny Schecter. So they say.
@greengrey: My parents are teabaggers. No joke. We are COWS - Children of Wingnuts.