
So Glamour, what do you recommend to someone who has cellulite and bacne scarring? Should I just have a little man follow me around with an airbrush?

@Kivrin: Also, I'm gonna pull a Daily Show Argument here, and say that Jezebel, while smart and decidedly less bullshitty than most news outlets, is at the end of the day..."Celebrity, Sex, Fashion". I personally don't hold the Jez eds to a high standard of journamalism.

@rosasparks looks like a Fraggle: I am now going to go squat out a minitoast so I can instruct her to draw me an adorable picture of Michelle Obama.

Man, I flash my muff and my hairy armpits at mr. toast all the time and I don't get called an artist for it.

What will she have to say about vagina shots?

Yes, but how many paternity tests will there be?

Blogging your motherhood is so 2006. In 2009 you Tweet that shit.

Who is this Anna Faris and why is her skin so glowy? She seems like one of those people I would see in real life and go "That's so photoshopped, I can tell cuz of teh pixels"

@laetitiae: You can have any dipping sauce you want. That's the beauty of chicken nuggets! Barbecque, ketchup, honey mustard, spicy mustard, Hawaiian, sweet and sour, friggin' anything viscous and tasty is POTENTIALLY A DIPPING SAUCE GUYS.

@JessicaLovejoy: Laughing, riding, cornholing!: OMG I know! Vegetables are like a food chore. Putting vegetables in tasty delicious food is like trying to make a game out of taking out the trash. Look, I know I gotta do it, but don't try and trick me into liking it, damnit.

Human behavior is awesome. "Well, in theory I could be having a salad. Bring me a bucket of fries, please."

I stopped wearing make-up about 4 months ago...shortly after I tripped on a curb and sprained my ankle. I have not fallen on my ass since!

This reminds me of Sir Ian McKellan on Extras.

@DexterHaven: It's the part between the testicles and the anus.

Well, Oscar de la Renta, YOU don't go to Buckingham Palace AT ALL.

@mervbaby: And also: Woman Enjoys Wine, Telling it Like It Is

@mervbaby: I'm loving how you wrote that like a newspaper headline. "CHILD SNUBS BABY DOLLS; WANTS GIRL WITH SHOES, BOOBS"