
@MJ: I wonder at myself, and technology, and this day-and-age, when I sit for a full ten minutes with the Kitten Feed on full screen, watching behbeh kittehs toddle around awkwardly and jump on thing and each other, and coo at them from miles away.

@morninggloria: Or Vin Diesel??? HIS NAME IS DIESEL GUYS. You do not GET any more masculine than that.

He better have been in confession for putting stripes on checks.

I'm going to make a new internet game: "Is this Robert Downey Jr. or A Random Homeless Person?"

Admiral Toot and Sir Lix-a-lot are awesome.

@amenfro: I know :-/ Hey society - weight lifting =/= body building.

Can we make this clown the next Worst Person in the World? Remember that 26-minutes gym guy? Can we do that?

@DebbieDoesDamage: Polka dotted onsie and all! Flesh colored unitard and all!

@LaFemme: I think shorty was saying just that - that threatening harm or injury should be just as criminal over a text message or Myspace message as it is over the phone or, as it were, IRL.

@DaisyPup: I am convinced rosasparks is the future self of my friend Rosa, communicating with us from like 10 years from now.

@JerseyGrrrl: @PilgrimSoul: Post-feminist would be post-humanity, since feminist goals are goals for people, and people aren't perfect and never reach all of their goals, and never will. There is always something to strive for in order to better human existence and therefore feminism will never be "over".

@Macloserboy: Gabrielle Union is the sex. That is all.

1. Bailey's is mostly gross, but OK on cereal.

Countess le Bouffant does not handle kitchen utensils! Do you even know how many poor people have touched those?

@georgina: Agreed. They will need some intensive tender lovin' care after this torture.

Oh lord - that last picture is the epitome of Boobs in Peril! And such an easily avoidable tragedy! It's called a "knot" - you tie one in your halter strap and it makes it shorter. I know, it's hard.