
My bf (and I, soon) has 2 cats, brother and sister from different litters, Fizzgig (the older female) and Sammy Davis, Jr. The Cat. When they got rid of the momma cat, Fizzy started trying to nurse little Sammy. Not interspecies, but totally cute.

@Archetype: No, I work for a company that makes and distributes..get ready for it...soda. And some very popular ones at that.

Good lord. I am 20 years old and working at an IT helpdesk. I have no idea how much vacation time I have now, because we just got bought out by another company and they do things differently (I think we get 10 vacation days, paid holidays, a few sick days, and 2 personal days), but taking off work would friggin' kill

@Cam/ron: Oh my goodness, the combination of truly terrible pun with minute-later regret just made my morning...

So it's about a 2 hour drive from here to Mineola.

Yeah I don't get the whole Tina Fey = nerdy girl thing, maybe it's because nerdy guys like to furiously jerk off to Weekend Update, but this other article described her character on 30-Rock as "Star Wars-and-tech obsessed" and I was like, "...what?", because I have seen the show, and the character is far more

If we learned anything from the Urban Dictionary definitions of feminism yesterday, I think it's that (at least a percentage of) men still fear/hate/condescend to/don't trust women.

Also, S. Epatha Merkerson as the Liutenant on regular Law and Order.

@BlowJoy: The squirrel going for the nut though is KIND OF AWESOME in a "dang I can't believe you got a huge tattoo for a bad pun but I gotta respect".

I think I love the Kardashian girls exactly for the reasons everyone hates them. They are just so unabashedly tacky and tasteless and kind of look like drag queens all the time - I mean, who wears 5 inch heels and a mini-dress and fully teased hair to take a stroll with their sister and eat an ice cream cone? The I KNOW RIGHT IT'S CRAZY I'M A GENIUS OR SOME SHIT

Oh man, I have a feeling this will get me hated BUT...

@Her_royal_Highness: My heroins are Afghani, mostly. My track marks, let me show you them!

Believe it or not, men used to care about more than fake boobs and bubble-butts. Shapely legs were big in the 40s and 50s. It seems like, as a society, we've forgotten the legs. You hardly ever hear a woman remark on a starlet's legs anymore, and NEVER hear a dude say anything.

I LOVE the ice cubes in the wine glasses. Awesome touch.

@leaderbean: It's that song that Tila Tequila sings on for a little bit. "I wanna fuck, suck cock until I hurl/ I wanna fuck everybody in the world". It's a catchy little ditty.

Ha, the top of her dress looks like a duck's butt.

Every dude who was either from the British Isles or full-bred British/Irish/whatever, that I have been with, has had a tiny peen. Like, itty bitty.

@briardahl: Haha, yes, "BREAKING NEWS: Women! Sometimes attractive, even without being physically flawless!" Gag me.