
I could not imagine living on $40k/yr- even a single person (with all my student loans and costly af rent) - in my city.

And people wonder why millennials are all on the Bernie train.

Please tell me what, specifically, you like about Clinton’s foreign policy in comparison to Bernie’s?

That is not what I meant. To me, it lumps in and infers that all Bernie supporters are men. I’ve been called a “BernieBro” by Hillary supporters just for vocalizing my support, and demonized for not supporting Hillary because I'm a woman. It’s rude as all hell.

As a woman Bernie supporter, I personally find this “Berniebro” label being launched by Clinton supporters just as misogynistic and offensive as the “Berniebros”themselves. Sometimes people are just dicks on the internet. Every Bernie rally/volunteer event I’ve been to has been filled with kind, welcoming,

Yeah, we can vote, and this woman is voting for Bernie. I honestly don’t know a single woman in my circle who is voting for Hillary, but then again, I live in Austin.

“So, would you vote for Trump if he was the nominee?” I inquired of our new frenemy. He shook his head no. “So you would vote for Hillary?” He shook his head no again. “I’d vote for Bernie, though. I don’t agree with anything he says, but at least he’s telling the truth.”

Literally happened to me today. Except it was diarrhea, I wasn’t home, and it was smeared over every square inch of my floors. Me when I opened the door:

I honestly don’t get this. I have received plenty of rabid hate from Hillary supporters. I think the only reason that the fervor seems disproportionately in the Bernie camp is due to frustration with how the media is reporting this election.

This is why I believe Bernie Sanders can get it done and not Clinton. His entire campaign is based off the idea of getting the American public engaged in politics again and increasing voter turnout - particularly in the midterms. He was able to double voter turnout in Vermont. I think he can do it on a national scale.

Let me give you my reasoning for feeling the need to engage with Clinton voters: I am very into international affairs and foreign policy. I’ve done Model UN for 15 years and still help coach university teams, so I am more tuned in to international affairs than your average bear. And due to that - I find it terrifying

Hahhahahahahhahahahaha. I can’t believe this. So now she would let some of her biggest donors fail? Why now and not in 2008 when she voted for the bailout?

Sure, the conversation is getting pulled to the left, but I’m willing to put money on how far/quickly she runs to the right if elected.

Haha, what? I don’t believe anyone who understands how our government works believes that. However, where the president stands on issues does matter when setting a course for policy in the country. Clinton’s record has shown time and time again she will back moneyed interests over those of the American people.

And I’m going to LOL as income inequality grows, no progress is made on energy alternatives and we find ourselves involved in even more foreign wars because people were dumb enough to elect Hillary.

This speech right here...and his filibuster on the Bush Tax what solidified my full fledged support for Bernie. Absolutely brilliant. It makes you think how different the world would be if he was the man in charge at the time. :-/

Hillary’s stance on defense is one of the major reasons she does not have my support.

I seriously can’t believe no one called her out on her Libya answer on stage. Anderson Cooper had the opportunity, but he went for Benghazi instead. -_- Thank you for calling her out on this nonsense.

I don’t know. Bernie had the same intel and he was able to make an DAMN GOOD accurate assessment of the situation. His willingness to address the necessary questions before a country gets involved in an international conflict is one of the major reasons he has my vote.