
Please don’t tarnish Cowboy Bebop’s reputation with such a base comparison.

You are good kinja. Great handle and reply.

Jezebel is not a left wing site — it’s a Hillary site.

What bullshit numbers did I quote? And when did I delegitimize Bernie losing in the primaries? He lost. I wish he hadn’t, but I don’t deny that he did.

You’re right. As a liberal who voted for Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the general, it’s definitely my fault Hillary lost to Donald Trump. The level of willful ignorance required for you to believe that is impressive.

Thank you. I’m reading this going “we are supposed to hate Bernie Sanders now???” For shit’s sake, the more air time the U.S. public is provided on key issues like health care the better - it’s not like the public proved itself to be knowledgeable on how screwed over they would be without the ACA in the election. Is

Bernie supporters turned out for Hillary at a higher rate than Hillary supporters turned out for Obama in ‘08. Maybe you should’ve listened to people telling you that HRC was an awful, unelectable candidate instead of being offended that someone would dare challenge her rightful ascension to the throne.

How did Bernie get us where we are today? By being the only real liberal candidate? By entering a rigged primary and revealing how unpopular Hillary was in key swing states she would go onto lose in the general?

Oh don’t be ridiculous. He endorsed Hillary in the end, and maybe if she was a real progressive instead of a liar then she could have won the election.

bernie sanders inscribed ancient sigils on the wisconsin border to keep clinton from campaigning there.

Or, because he gives a shit, he’s using CNN’s public platform to show that some people in government are fighting for healthcare

So, forget the Democrats. There is no point in pretending anymore. Motherfucking Ted Cruz does the right thing, and you bunch of fucking cunts kill legislation that had the chance to do real and lasting good for Americans. I fart in your general direction, Corey “Sellout” Booker.

Booker was always in it for Booker. Let’s just make sure we remember that the next time we go ga-ga over him snuggling up next to a kitten or working a soup line during the holiday seasons.

Jesus fucking Christ. The Democrats can find the backbone to stonewall against liberal proposals, but they are completely going to roll over for every insane far-right lunacy Trump throws at them.

The US has made it clear it’s not interested in doing that or having single payer.

To be fair, Booker has been a non-starter for awhile now. He’s got nothing beyond his charisma.

Don’t ever post anything as stupid as that ever again.

I don’t know what reality you’re living in, but Hillary didn’t beat Trump. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to live there.

I love Bernie Sanders. In my alternate universe, it was Bernie that beat Trump, not Hillary.
