
It should be called an Aventa now since the door is gone.

F1 Twizy has to be one of the most adorable things ever...we need a Twizy cup series!!!!

The production version actually had it integrated into the windshield, but the panel gap was just so huge that it looked like a traditionally mounted mirror.

Everyone who hates on one of these but doesn’t hate on the Miata baffles me. They have the same exact purpose, with different packaging (one a 2-seat roadster, the other a 2+2 in a pinch, with a bit more cargo space, folding rear seats and a roof). Especially when lots of commenters are very likely driving a

Or Burt Munro or John Britten. Bikes not cars, yes, but same deal.

Victory By Design is the best thing about cars that has ever been made. Better than Top Gear, better than Senna, and better than Faster and Furiouser 16. And Alain de Cadenet is the best Alain ever (suck it, Prost).

We may be absolute monsters to each other and seem to have no depth of depravity when it comes to thinking up ways to be cruel and inflict pain and suffering... but damn we know how to make a nice car.

“Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it…Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”

Is this today’s official porn post? Prepare for some bukkake:

Holy fucking mother of bad branding. Nobody would fucking know what the hell that is. Those wings though, those are timeless.

Right now, 916s and 748s are about as cheap as they’re going to get. This means that idiots will buy them, not pay for maintenance and then destroy them. If you want one, get them now. Prices will start rising in a few years and they’ll be utterly unobtainable.

For me it’s bittersweet - amazing races and racers (let’s not forget Foggy was in that same mix!) on brilliant machines - but it was the death knell for the venerable 750 class. The GSX-R750 was so fucking awesome that it basically killed its own class. Suzuki had a 500 GP champion in Kenny Jr. around that same time,

916 owner here with a long history of owning Hondas. Absolutely yes on this.

Amen. Was it the 2002 season that came down to the last turn on the last lap of the last race? That shit was truly epic, a word woefully overused.

Now playing

There are a few out there and the want is strong.

I am surprised and kind of disheartened to see how little today’s Jalop voters care about the oddball nature and pedigree of this bike.

Perfect user name!


McLaren would like us to know that the “maximum generated downforce [is] over 50 percent greater than that of the McLaren 650S.” Sweet.