500 Days of Men Need It

Holyshit wow, he really is... decompensating! Overdrugged tweakouts of paranoia. Unraveling. Possibly about to flee to his own private colony in a banana republic somewhere. (I only wish he’d take his deplorables with him, and bring plenty of Fla-vor-aid.)

That is an outlier of acceptable time spent.

He also does this shit all the time. He’s constantly shitting on the contestants’ stories. As well he should. They’re always terrible.

Do you mean short-sleeved shirts...or does he actually wear sleeveless shirts?

I love you to the Crab Nebula and back

Sleeveless shirts?

Sorry, Patrick, the correct title was “What is Alex Trebek Hilariously Shits On Jeopardy! Contestant And Her Whole Crew For No Reason”.

It will sound very informative even if it’s not.

See, I’m sure it’s informative, but then I’d have to listen to Malcolm fucking Gladwell.

I think talking about mass child murder just distracts us from the real issues, like how Hillary Clinton was the victim of a cheating spouse.

I like how the sign in the picture reads “Women for Rum.”

Where’s the physical evidence? I can’t even eat Cheetos without being covered in dust, never mind being groped by one...

He’s on pace to score 492 goals, seems legit.

Update: 4th goal.

It’s coming from the fact that it’s a fucking joke, Giselle

Its almost as if looks are not the only thing that matters in a relationship.

Right? Which is what makes it so fucked up.

This is why my dogs are non (more accurately very low) shedding breeds.

Children raised around pet dander have lower incidences of asthma than those who aren’t.

Guess what? It’s none of your business and she isn’t going to change to suit you.