500 Days of Men Need It

The thing is, he already kinda seems to hate Pence, and reeeeeeeally hates Ryan - from the beginning I’ve had the sense that the only reason Pence lasted the whole campaign is because he was desperate for a jump on the field in 2020, so he just kept his mouth shut. The first unpopular move will set President Asshole

We’re all a little crabby about the topic, Crabbers, and with good reason, but you missed the joke, which was very funny to us olds.

One of my earliest political memories is my parents making Cook County jokes on election day and saying “Vote early, vote often!”

I had that exact thought today when I read his response to the new NYT groping story. Like, we all keep saying he’s unravelling, but this is starting to seem like genuine, Jim Jones-level unravelling.

They smell like sulfur. Ask Alex Jones about it.

She said they were able and devoted, which also could describe Nazi soldiers. It was brilliant.

His fingers are so short, they actually just pop right off.

Also, can someone explain to me why saying the N-word is “worse” than bragging about sexual assault?

There’s a whole lot of evidence that Barron is on the autism spectrum/neuroatypical. I give a lot of credit to Melania for successfully shielding him from scrutiny, but I doubt he’s ever going to fulfill that role as corporate heir-apparent. And it’s obvious Donald’s ego will never be equipped to deal with having an

That an anecdote confirmed by the NYT non-profile, and it’s beyond tacky.

Nailed it.

I don’t mind you asking at all. Hope this helps!:

With 10 dogs, the house would be covered in hair before they could finish cleaning it.

I dog-sit for some people with giant houses, and usually end up sleeping on the living room couch because I get tired of trekking back and forth every time I forget my glasses in the other room.

Points for using the perfect picture from one of the top three Buffy episodes of all times.

I chose UC San Diego over a couple of other schools in large part because they didn’t require freshmen to live on campus. In retrospect, it was a GREAT decision.

I would just add, for those having difficulty understanding this, that one of the things that makes rape so insidious is that it is ultimately about about taking away something many people take for granted - the right to control over one’s own body. Sadly, on a subconscious level, one of the simplest ways to regain

Underrated COTD, should be ungreyed and have many many stars.

High Anxiety was a very, very funny (and underrated) movie, but Cloris Leachman’s performance creeped me out about as much as anything I can remember from my childhood. Ranks right up there with the time the babysitter let us watch Helter Skelter.