500 Days of Men Need It

“Tremendous” is one of the favorite words in Trump’s extremely limited vocabulary. He uses it to describe mostly things related to himself—his family, his buildings, his fortune, etc. The opposite is “disgusting.” Most women in his universe are either “tremendous” or “disgusting.” Not much in between. And Trump has

I honestly don’t know what it would be like to be the Trump daughter your father didn’t want to date. That’s got to be its own special hell.

The Times has had so many layoffs and buyouts and yet Stanley soldiers on. I remember when the “Corrections” column was referred to as “Here’s what Alessandra Stanley wrote last week, we’re sorrryyyy...”

So, I graduated from Penn in 2004 with Ivanka. Let me quibble: Penn absolutely gives preference to legacy candidates (and from under-represented states, ethnicities, etc.), but she didn’t “claim” a degree from Penn because of her dad. She earned it, if she graduated.

“Tiffany has always been a very special person, very confident, very driven, always the hardest worker and not bashful about it.

Everything legit written about Tiffany Trump suggests she’s a very hard worker and has done particularly well at school - why wouldn’t she go to law school?

I remember reading an article about Melania. Holy crap - that woman reminds me SO MUCH in so many ways of so many members of my Eastern Bloc family. Not in the respect that she’s married to a Trump-like character, or that she has been a glamour model (because despite what the Trump campaign will tell you, Melania

YES! I feel terrible for her actually. Here is a very young woman who has her shit COMPLETELY together, (at her age there is no way I would have stayed at home to finish an essay instead of going out clubbing with friends), who has clearly got a wonderful relationship with her mother, who has obviously led an

According to the article I read, they eventually removed the copy editor after her error rate went down. but then her error rate suddenly rose again. Weird, huh?

My dad isn’t as awful as Trump, but my life became so much better once there were a couple states between us. I can’t even imagine what it would be like for Trump’s own daughter, that man is a monster.

Also, how she says she took pictures of him holding Tiffany so she’d know he did—’cause otherwise, the kid would never know her father had anything to do with her.

As someone who has spent all of my adult life trying to keep myself sane in the midst of a messy, sometimes toxic family, this is much easier said than done.

Uhh. No. Marla didn’t “get her ass knocked up.” Trump knocked her up. Women don’t “get themselves pregnant.” Some tool who refused to wear a condom did.

Money truly doesn’t buy happiness. All the money in the world can’t make having Trump for a father not suck.

As someone who was estranged from her father until it was politically expedient for him to acknowledge me, absolutely. I get the feeling she’s spent her whole life just happening to share his last name (and enjoying whatever spoils come with that) but knowing full well she didn’t matter to him, until now - when they

The folks at the debate party I went to voted Tiffany “Trump child most likely to still be a registered Democrat/over all this.” Based on her instagram feed it seems like she’s doing the bare minimum for the campaign and just wants to get back to her life.

oh god I remember that Shonda Rhimes article. ughhh.

Yeah, her writing has historically contained so many errors that the Times decided in 2005 that she needed her own individual copy editor to handle the Herculean task of double-checking all “facts.”

“I had the blessing of raising her pretty much on my own,” Ms. Maples said.

I got the impression that the rest of the family thinks she doesn’t really “count” and that trying to give her visibility is a way to defend themselves from criticism stemming from treating her differently than the other 3 older kids. Her presence at the RNC seemed contrived and as if she was being trotted out there