
OK, OK, you're all correct. Upon looking at that video closer, I realize those are in fact longboxes. Of course, my dad still call all these things "tapes."

OMIGOD! I'm in TEARS!!!!

I can't believe I watched this whole thing. It was both enervating and depressing to see a slice of my senior year in college re-created in a department store. No, I'm not one of the people in this video, but I did spend a lot of time in electronics departments both as a customer and employee.

Yes they did. Those are records. CDs were never in big square packaging like that (unlike the "long boxes" which you can see in the rack on the left side of the frame). Granted, LPs were on their way out, but they could still be found in stores and CDs were just starting to make it as the go-to media for music.

Well, the stormtroopers were in white, the rebels were in black. But then Darth Vader was in black. Yeah, a little confusing.

You stopped about eight minutes too short. It was during the Donnie and Marie show's tribute to Star Wars. I actually remember watching that on TV when I was a kid. It's just as bad as the holiday special.

That said, I was transported to when I saw most of these movies. More specifically, who I was with when I watched them. At least three different girls, including my ex-wife. My 20s was a wasted decade, really.

Erik Adams…. "I was a kindergartner when the ’90s began and a high school freshman when they ended."
Yeah, I was a COLLEGE freshman when the 90s began and a professional adult at the start of the millennium. So…. screw you, you young PUNK.

When I was in Amarillo, I made a point to take my girlfriend to a Wynton Marsalis concert. It was wonderful, and she probably wouldn't have gone otherwise. Since then, I've taken my wife to the Landing on the Riverwalk in San Antonio (Jim Cullum Jazz Band). A fun night. Again, she would never have suggested it on her

Well, shoot! Let's just create a virtual jazz club online and hang out there then! I guess that's kind of what we're doing now, isn't it?

Man, I live in the wrong part of the country. While reading these comments, I'm heartened that so many people even know who Lee Morgan WAS, much less actually enjoy his music. I'm living in the desolate wasteland out here where no-one gives two shits about jazz.

As far as I'm concerned, the Terminator series ended after T2. I haven't even watched any of the other crap that's come out since.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *takes a deep breath* NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… (and so on)

OMG me too! This was one of two headlines about Goodman and I thought . . . . NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

When I read the headline to this story, I initially thought it said "Internet poison." I guess that's just as accurate.

Maybe Starr was trying to capitalize on that sweet, sweet Star Wars vibe.

Actually, the video was made in 1978, when Fisher was 22. So… not creepy. Well, OK, the SONG is, but Carrie was very much an adult when she was in the video.

Am I the only one who noticed the girl in Ringo's video was Carrie Fisher?

Every once in a while, it only takes a headline to make me spit out my drink in laughter. This was one of those times.

I've purged most of the Internet from my life now. Mostly, I quit unfollowing everyone on Facebook. Seriously. I had more than 500 "friends" and I now follow none of them (I keep them as "friends" as a pure business move, nothing more). I had so many to unfriend, Facebook actually told me to "slow down," trying to