
“They’ll fire you for losing before they’ll fire you for cheating”- Darrell Royal

When Dylann Roof shot up that church in Charleston, SC, his actions caused a cascading effect that led to the removal of Confederate war monuments, flags, and streets and buildings being renamed.

My point to these students is this: don’t give up, you never know what useless symbolic gestures you may inspire which

Come on man. This wasn’t “HR shit”. This wasn’t some junior marketing exec getting handsy with a secretary. This was the fucking president of his organization for 15 years. Who btw was also involved in Cuban’s other business, HDNet. He KNEW this guy. Probably hung out with him too. The idea a micromanaging control

See, here’s the thing: this

“Damn, that’s some fucked up shooting form right there.”

Ahhh, yes a return to the good old days of Gawkspin blowing TNC. In these troubled times, its good to know that we can cling to worship of the most overrated writer in America to offer us solace and get us through to a better day.

On a separate note, Wilford Brimley looks great for his age

Which one is the horse?

If someone hits a small projectile at you at over 100mph from 75 feet away, it doesnt fucking matter if you’re paying attention or not. Kinda like why they have catch fences at NASCAR events...nobody is dumb enough to say “hey the cars go fast, they might crash, pay attention or sit in the upper deck”. So yeah, the

The reason why all that Babe Ruth era shit is so valuable is its scarcity. When you have millions of these cards in circulation, a whole industry dedicated to “collectibles”, and thousands of man children like Pat Neshek collecting it in the misguided view that it will be valuable someday, it wont be that valuable

Spot on. You know his neighbors probably called and said “look we don’t want to rat the guy out, Ron is a sweet old guy, but these cars have to go.” so the ‘he’s not really bothering anybody’ argument is likely not true.

Are you really one of those people who still actually believe Republicans are the party of the rich and the Democrats are for the “working man”?

It has always amazed me how much time and passion Gawkspin-especially in its previous incarnation- has devoted to flipping their shit when some internet publisher makes changes, however slight, to an already published piece. Something which,btw, 99.9% of non journalists do not give a flying fuck about.

First Rule of Holes: When you’re in one, stop digging.