Maybe the TBS production staff learned to put a bunch of shots together from that time they all worked on Family Guy
Maybe the TBS production staff learned to put a bunch of shots together from that time they all worked on Family Guy
Sounds like a line from the punk rock version of the Star-Spangled Banner
but it has at least spared us an Eli Manning Buttfumble GIF to this point.
Sucks to be you, Ghana. Find someone else to beat in the first knock-out stage!
Hey, don’t blame this on Omar Bradley! He may not have ever beaten Trinidad & Tobago, but he did beat the nazis.
Sheesh, Eagles fans ARE everywhere
I knew something was wrong when “Chad” didn’t correct his friend for using the Lord’s name in vain. #jerz
At least we got a total eclipse out of the deal
This fails to mention that union contracts are also expected to win you MORE MONEY THAN YOU PAY IN DUES. (The University of Chicago is known for having a great economics department!)
It’s not a threat, but let’s just say maybe some MRSA got onto the front door...
The Comment of Tomorrow must be on io9, because they come from the future and all.
I thought the trailer for the Netflix Punisher already came out but I definitely feel that it’s weird for Frank Castle to kill his own wife. Kinda screws up the mental health of the character and all.
So...the Price was wrong?
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in Johnnie Walker®️ Black Label The Director’s Cut Whisky...
Tebow would have scored there
- Pete Carroll
Tony Blair Walsh!
Those are really cool maps