
Not to pick on you specifically but I’m just not getting what was weird about the plot/story after the death of the sister?

You know what would be ridiculously awesome? If the Ford GT cost only in the $100K range, was actually made by Ford Actually, and was not built in numbers than guarantee only a few people will get on, even have one, and be sold only to collectors who will squirrel them away until the end of civilization.

Totally ridiculous. We Ukrainians only throw salt over our shoulder when we have spilled some. ;) And it isn’t for good luck. It’s to ward off the devil! :) :) :)

I hate her the most, too, I just thought it would be an unpopular opinion. I haaaaate her stupid EEVO and that every time she puts salt into a dish she throws a bunch over her shoulder ‘for good luck.’ It’s so damn wasteful and her kitchen must be disgusting.

Ugh, and the 3 hours spent on benefits. Do they match 401(k) contributions? How long till they’re vested? And figuring out deductions since he’ll be paying DC and NYC taxes?

Minogue’s attorneys also described Jenner as “a secondary reality television personality,”

We’re gonna send that nuke to Taaaaaajiiikastaaaaaaaaaan!!!

Every word of that article is straight up amazing. Donald Trump is trapped in a Being There remake of his own making.

Still think the greenwood wore it better

Always relevant:

I don’t understand why everyone is trivializing such a tragedy that shook our nation. This bowling massacre was no laughing matter.

I dont get what all the fuss is about.

He’s just a modern guy. Of course he’s had it in the ear before.

In the US Holocaust Museum. It’s not a fucking to do-list Bannon!

The last time Ed Sheeran claimed he wasn’t popular in high school someone from his school in the comments replied “If by not popular he means that he had loads of friends, was well liked and dated frequently, and was invited to all of the parties thrown by the kids who were popular then yes. I guess he was unpopular.”

You know what, Dems, I’ll believe it when I see it.

I sure hope his insurance plan includes a really strong umbrella-ella-ella-ella clause.

Can I borrow it? Just for like a half an hour. To the grocery store. You need anything?

It’s not deferential - they’ve just figured out the people who know how to pull his strings and scratch his chin in just the way he likes. You just need a few Trump whisperers like Kellyanne Conway to convince him that these are the things he wants to do, and only he is strong and smart and amazing enough to make them

Nothing was beautiful and everything hurt. FUCK.