don’t forget “Crossover”...still a wagon.
don’t forget “Crossover”...still a wagon.
I’m a fairly calm person, but those 2 brothers in that ad make me just want to punch them in the throat until I hit their spine...and I thought “grounded to the ground” was bile-inducing.
It’s a shame I have no more stars to give this post.
This gets filed under “puppies, babies and jeeps are best enjoyed when they are other people’s.” served with a side of “don’t buy other people’s projects.”
nope. No, you can’t say same thing about other cars. English sports cars of that vintage and pedigree have almost evil persona and will just break down for no logical reason whatsoever. It’s the combination of British Leyland-esque engineering, Lucas electrics and that very dry English sense of mechanical humour.
to this day, my favorite car I ever owned was my 1985 Mk1 Rabbit GTI. Neuspeed short shift kit, kickin’ stereo...really was the perfect car for college. I just think that was the best looking body-style for a hot hatch.
yeah...I know I didn’t really answer the question, but any excuse to post a picture of Lucy (who is currently living under a heavy duty car cover until Spring shows up).
Silver (76 Bug), Black (85 GTI), Gold (77 firebird), Blue (85 Honda Nighthawk S), Black (99 Ducati Monster 900S), Black (89 Dodge Ram Charger), Red (98 GTP), White (2k10 G6 GT V6), Black (73 Mustang Convertible project), Metallic Army Green (69 Skylark)
all good! Don’t worry, I sometimes mis-read Trump articles because my teeth are grinding and my eyes are narrowing.
ugh. can’t believe I am saying this... #notmypresident #notmywall #Imwithher #didntvotefortheguy but it was a “Salute to Our Troops” inaugural ball. so yeah...there’s a military theme going on.
this. my roommate (who is a fashion person) has several nice pieces from DVF, Comme Des Garcons and McQueen - all of which are beautifully crafted and get repaired when needed at the various NYC stores. I have 2 pairs of hand made jeans (Raleigh Denim & Asbury Park) that both carry lifetime repairs.
I use a metal filter and I just wait for it to cool down. It will also pop out a compressed disk, quick rinse of the filter and you are good to go.
I use a metal filter and I just wait for it to cool down. It will also pop out a compressed disk, quick rinse of the…
not even close - once you get the process down, it’s easier than using a drip pot. it’s very easy to make coffee in an Aeropress and it packs up perfectly for traveling. you can have my Aeropress when you pry it out of my cold, dead, over-caffeinated fingers.
not even close - once you get the process down, it’s easier than using a drip pot. it’s very easy to make coffee in…
“most don’t give a shit about Instagram” hahhhhhahhaha...I nearly got ran over by a shirtless hipster on a bike who was trying to take a selfie while riding (against traffic!) on Harmon because he couldn’t be bothered to look where he was going. don’t get me started on all the tourists coming out and taking…
dunno man...I lived there from 2001 until last summer (St.Nick & Greene) and it went hipster/gentrified in a big way (Hello Crunch gym!?). most of the ordinary families with ordinary jobs are getting pushed out further on the L towards Carnarsie.
thanks for using “in-ears” instead of “inner ears” for her IEM’s. Not trying to be pedantic, but that just pains me. been wincing at all the coverage of this all weekend using “inner ears”.
is “bigly” a real word? seriously asking.
my favorite Alphabet City Metal Bar (Idle Hands - gone now) used to have Cheerwine on the soda guns. One of the owners/bartenders is an NC ex-pat and couldn’t give up the ‘wine. #whiskeywithaCheerwineback
Stameys on High Point Road by the Coliseum? yeah, I see you, fam.