Area 25 1/2 ????
Sorry. You’ve succumbed to Discovery Channel’s very entertaining, if not realistic, display of ‘history’. I’m a huge student of Germany in WW2, and they did some amazing things, but the 229 was hardly one of them — at least not for the reasons you present.
In Area 50.
Unless they have completed the atomic bomb to go with the bomber, Third reich fate is already written.
Sometimes validation takes a lot longer to show up than it should. Well done, Jack Northrop.
Not a mechanic but I believe a smack on the ass is a necessary step in all mechanical repairs.
This is hearsay and anecdotal evidence, but from some time spent aboard surface warfare ships, my favorite line about Carrier Task Force duty is, “When the shit hits the fan... we’re the slow lame children of the fleet compared to the carriers.”
Great reporting. Thanks Raph.
Amazing story, Raph.
They aren't real white walls, just cheap Chinese knock offs.
I’ll be honest with you, from my understanding of how business works between our armies and countries, I can almost assure you the main (if not only) reason why ur tanks are not currently equipped with Trophy is because one of ur local american arms dealer companies lobbists in the military acquisition groups dont…
Jordan seems to be pretty chill, in terms of not being a backwards terrorist filled state.
Saudi Arabia is not funding or supporting ISIS in any way that you could possibly prove. Stop lying on the internet.
That brightness is from the gunner’s viewpoint, not from the target’s. That missile is about 6 or 8 inches in diameter. Your faith in the eyesight of tank crewmen is touching but entirely misguided.
I don’t agree with parking in two spaces, but it seems like this guy tries to avoid being a dick by parking in empty areas, even if he is taking up two spaces.
People with OCD, that’s who. I can’t relax if I know there are cars out there that are straddling the lines, not sitting nicely between them.
If the parking lot is full, it’s not cool at all. If there are like 15 other cars in a parking lot that fits 100, it doesn’t matter. I suspect this was the latter. Truck guy was an idiot, BMW guy was a bigger idiot.
Who the fuck cares if someone takes up two spaces? Mind you own business and get a life.