man, you certainly spend enough time commenting on a hot dog vendor’s article. if you can’t stand the articles go somewhere else.
man, you certainly spend enough time commenting on a hot dog vendor’s article. if you can’t stand the articles go somewhere else.
So what you’re saying that because he is merely and an aficionado, not one of the actual people in the field executing these decisions, he has no commentary value?
Nice, nice... Hot dog vendor... sure... hot dog vendors can’t do anything can they? So whom should we trust then. You? Why?
Move along please
I grew up just a couple of miles from Moffett. They closed the Naval base when I was a kid, but I still remember seeing the P-3’s taking off and landing every few minutes.
Thanks random Kinja advice giver guy
Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Pacific Fleet
When I used to live in San Jose as a kid, my family would go to the yearly air show at Moffett Field when it was still being used by the USN and their P-3 Orion squadrons. I would be so excited as kid to see them up close. They didn’t get much attention from the crowds as the other static displays like the F-14s,…
Speaking of arrogance, instead of throwing bombs at Tyler, why don’t you write something better?
the military isn't meant to protect the US and its interests? How many wars have been "brought to our doorstep" in the last 70+ years? I can't think of any. Seems to me that we bring war to other countries' doorsteps with disastrous results for all involved.
what are you suggesting I should do? What do you know about me aside from that brief comment? You disagree with me, that's fine, but please don't tell me what I should do. It's condescending and does your argument no favors.
Personally I think his mindset is exactly where we, as Americans, want and need it to be. He's past the point of caring about the shit that does not really matter and able to focus on what does without losing objectivity. You should try it. The guy is a sharp knife that's been honed to do a very specific and very…
His beef is that during peace time, crucial funding, programs, etc are cut. All of those programs are required to keep them at a razor edge and at maximum effectiveness.
I appreciate his mindset. The civilain government oversee's the military for a reason. They can decided when and where we go to war (how well they do that is another discussion entirely so don't go there). Its their job to decide whether or not to turn the military loose.
my mom woupd say retarded, but I like to think otherwise. The glorification of war and violence is basically ingrained in the human mind. You can choose to think otherwise, but throughout history farmers and builders are not glorified. Warriors and fighters are, especially those that go out in a blaze of glory. It's…
it's almost like you don't know world history or something. Humans are not peaceful creatures, go read a book.
Never forget that these men and women do a job so that you don't have to worry that your teenager will get kidnapped and murdered walking home from school.
this fuckin guy...he is a fighter pilot, if he thought like u want him to think he wouldnt be around to write this book. In order to kill people you have to have a killer mentality. U dont want everyone to think like that but u want your fuckin fighter pilot to think with kill or be killed additude for damn sure.…
The civilian control of the military is there for a reason. But your soldiers need to be at peak performance or you are only putting them in danger yet alone making the mission harder to accomplish. Part of this is mindset.