
Shit, you mean if I’d read the article I would have found out about the dozens of five year-olds she’s delicately poached and consumed atop a bed of wilted greens? That’s one hell of a buried lede.

Internet mob justice is rarely just. Or helpful.

One of my favorite lines: “Morning Joe…Morning Joe has its head so up Trump’s ass they bumped into Chris Christie.”

Some of it was really good. Some of it just droned on or wasn’t funny in the first place.

Larry understood something important about how Obama puts together these dinners: The jokes aren’t for the people in the room. They’re for the folks at home, who for one night get to see these self-important Washington pricks get taken down a peg.

Yup! Not a single glorious fuck was given by Larry. And the best part was that Obama seemed to really enjoy it. Maybe minus the drone bit - but alas, that was fully deserved.

people that fend for themselves.

Hi Justin.

I guess it is much easier to source out stuff if one is proficient in Russian or Chinese since it is more likely be posted in its original language whose ships has been buzzed :P

Russia is of course free to conduct training exercises in the Gulf of Mexico.

Russians, Chinese, even North Koreans have sailed this close to the US, if not closer. We didn’t send fighter jets screaming across their bow at thirty feet off the deck, much less do it three dozen times.

The harsh realty is that everything we have is by the grace of the Navy. That’s why “Honor, Courage, Commitment” was used in a bunch of their recruitment advertising a few years ago.

It is - it’s Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s yacht/observatory.

The Sea-borne Radar is quite a bit more expensive than what I had in mind.

Tyler, you missed the real reason for this proposal: putting Aegis on a phib doesn’t make it a shooter, but it allows it to act as the networked nerve center for OTHER shooters— like LCS, which doesn’t carry its own equivalent long-range sensor, but theoretically could carry a VLS package linked to an Aegis ship; the

That’s my gun!!! Seriously, I was the OPS/CSO on GTN when we installed the Block 1B mounts she currently has. I was really proud of the work my Sailors put in on getting it installed, calibrated, and getting rounds down range. It was probably the smoothest thing on that entire tour.

What about the crimes of failing to stop for a law enforcement officer, evading arrest, driving to endanger, unauthorized entry to a federal facility, destruction of federal property, and generally being a jackass?

You can’t state with certainty that the female passenger or even the male driver were wanted for a crime, suspected of committing one or even committed one in the first place. In regards to that there’s literally zero information presented on that, and it appears that authorities have exactly as much information to go

Of course we don’t, if the US could stage its ‘global mock liberations’ with more notice then we’d be fine!!

Ok I’m curious how does socialism have anything to do with ammunition stocks?