
ughhh this is so annoying, they are not all shit. they aren’t. period. one person has the qualifications to be president, would do an allright job at it, not to mention be historic. the rest are shit, except maybe Mcmullin.


I’ll repeat myself—Trump won’t win the election. The UK voted yes on Brexit. That happened.

well, we’re not gonna actually elect him. whereas I seem to recall Brexit passed...

pfft, really. all over these comments like we’re dumb sheep who just haven’t heard the real truth yet! Tabby’s gonna show us the way!

as long as he goes away and never runs for office again, fine.

we’re all in cahoots!

dude, she’s a fucking politician. every politician lies. they lie because they have to. people leading the world are not just random people hanging out, totally chill and all nice and telling the truth to each other. they are not friends, and they are not friends with us. they are powerful people maneuvering around

lately I’ve been running into a lot of the think they’re woke, are not fully woke types. like the guy I dated who claimed he was a feminist, but when I mentioned the tampon tax/how women’s toiletries are more expensive than men’s he didn’t believe me. when I actually showed him proof, he was disgusted. but that’s not

I know, I imagine her in private, in the five minutes she maybe gets to herself, just ranting to Huma or Bill or Barry. but carefully, in a room double checked for bugs and with no one else in ear shot.

ha! that’s way harsh tai

god, he really does have very small hands

Now playing

this doesn’t have enough views: (edited bc that wasn’t even the best one!)

funny, no one else is having that response. mostly it’s wow she’s killing it, and he’s a blabbering clown who can’t string a sentence together.

no, it’s 33k, still less than what W deleted though IIRC

it just makes me love her so much. don’t get me wrong, I don’t support her politically 100%—more like 85%—but as a person, I fucking love her. How she’s getting through all this, I don’t know. She’s tough as nails.

I mean, he is supposedly saying big league, yes, but he enunciates like a drunk, so every time it’s ‘bigly’

but why then say it’s not enough to change your vote? you’re not voting for Bill.