
This once instance where the police shoulda grabbed that dumb fuck by his neck threw him to the ground.

See the thing to me with Daymeehun is that he made to the center of the galaxy not the center of the universe. So far every media outlet has failed to catch this

Bananya is super cute I actually wish it was longer than 3 minutes maybe like 7-15 minutes

Compared to the anime how much farther does the manga go? Cause i liked the anime but there was so much more that could have been done with it and so many questions left unanswered.

Man I am so psyched!! I have been waiting for this since it was first announced years ago. I cant wait to play it

Meh, I’m sure its gonna be a great game, but the only way I’d drop my hard earned cash on this were if there fatalities, but since DC would never allow that I save myself $60

It looks awesome!! i know theres some kind of tie in to SR ;)

Man you think it’s bad now? Wait til you get to 45... any type of multiplayer is just a giant nope. Kinda the main reason why I passed on Overwatch looks spectacular, but my friends relate it to Team Fortress2 and while it was fun it just reminded me how much i suck at these games.

Yeah I seeing the promos and thinks WTF? i watched an episode and it was dismal. CN is kinda doin the same thing to the PPG, its ok but I’m disappointed that the 3 original voice actors were changed and the supporting actors all remained.

I gotta agree, if he looked like a seal and not stupid clown there would be a lot less hate

I was originally gonna say “Benny is not part of the Justice League” but as I scrolled through the photos I realized Benny was photobombing everyone. I can bet he was yelling “SPACESHIP!!!!” too.

I wonder where Kaboom! falls in there, probably the shit tier but I loved it

I thought the ending was goof the only thing that was iffy was since he wrapped everything up, there was no real way for him to meet up with Airi in the present

This was such a good anime I thought it wrapped up really nicely. Some of the character models reminded a bit of FLCL, and opening tune was really catchy but I realized that I like it so much because it reminded of one of opening tunes for the later seasons of Bleach.

I dig the ‘making of’ shots, I kinda wondered how some of those positions were achieved

What happened to playing Asshole or the Name Game? This is just wrong...

We all knew this was coming when even first announced the game....

He must have pissed off the wrong person, because compared some the shit his fellow Congressman get up to this seems insignificant...

Don’t be an asshat, look at what he is trying to say. This was the first time I’ve ever seen this and while I thought was cool, the idea of seeing children sing metal would have been mind blowing, sexuality has nothing to do with it.

Man, those What ifs will fucking kill you. I know this from first hand experience, being afraid to confess my love for a woman I knew because What if she didn’t have the same feelings for me. Turns out she did but since I never said anything I get to spend the rest of my life regretting it.