
I’m sure its already been mentioned but also the first thing I think of when I see the logo is Star Trek... No Originality

I have just finished playing it and i find it to be one of the most disturbing games that I have played. It might sound negative but it is not. There will be some spoilers.

Kind of the main reason i left there were many interesting jobs, but maintaining these jobs became work and I lost interest

You people are savages, cutting your pizza into squares! Next thing youre gonna tell me is you eat it with a fork and knife!!

you should have posted photos of of each step, so we could share in the misery

This arcade in Long Island had it and i remember being 12 in 82' and being blown away by the sheer size of it. Sadly, Iremember not being impressed because of how slow it was compared to other pinball machines.

Oh damn i guess i had the bug too, i couldnt finish Copes or Tuckers camp, Ambushers wasnt complete as well as the rippers. i thought I would head south and maybe after the game was complete the whole map would open again

I got the reading progression, but i have NFI what the comics about :/

Adventure on the Atari 2600

I call bullshit, 20% tipped is earned, not given. You give excellent service do you whats expected of server be friendly and courteous it could be even more. When you half ass the job, I have to ask you for a refill, or more bread or napkins without you asking first, having an atttitude, or making me feel rushed you

Personally, as long as the helmets doesnt have the Jets logo from the mid 70s to mid 90s. I’m ok. The jerseys arent that bad, but as you said I’m sure as shit not droppin $150 on one.

I wouldn’t be too upset, you could have dropped $150 on the collectors edition of Halo 3, which literally sold so poorly that Gamestops were removing the game from the box(to sell) and chucking the rest in the trash.

“I can safely say I am in no danger of falling under its spell again.”

i wanna get back into it, I am hoping for Elsewyr, since my character is a Khajeet. The last time I played was for Morrowind, the thing I like is there is a ton of stuff to do

I really want the Conan Chop Chop game that looks fun as hell :p

I would say i’m sympathetic to you, but since i played FFXI for 6+ years I can tell you, your cries are falling on deaf ears. If this what SE decides theyre gonna stick to it.

I loved the Dreamcast. Iheld such malice for Sega when they gave up on it, then ported games they promised over to Xbox. it still pisses me off when i think about it but, since I run the emulator on my pc, I get to enjoy all the old Iused to play

At $4.99 an issue I would say dont bother. Maybe joining Marvel or DC Online might be cheaper, I dunno.

Man, the original Wicker Man is one of those movies that I only needed to see one time and thats it. That ending just messed with my mind.

Damn! That is some impressive work