
Wow you mean its just not all oriental people who look the same?!

Man that shit looks so hilarious! i can't wait to see it! I wanna see him knockout a T-rex with an uppercut! XD

Satoshi Kon work just blew me away. First seeing Paranoia Agent, then later seeing Paparika. Paprika is such a great movie but I had to watch a few times to actually get it.

Lol! I remember being 7 and running to to the liquor store to get a small bottle of Black Label and Camels for my pop. Of course my dad was friends with the owner who knew me so that probably why he would just give it to me.

OMG! That is so awesome to see that the museum is still around. From what I can remember though it was kind of a small museum. The thing I always loved was the bus display that they had where you get behind that humongous steering wheel and horn actually worked. Man I really wanna go back there now. I was always

Forget the cheat cheat codes how about the rediculous passwords given for NES games that had no save option. It was like a friggin essay...

I play videogames for the sheer enjoyment of it. Sometimes it challenges me, sometimes it makes me feel like a genius, sometimes it makes me feel like a dumbass, sometimes it so enrages me that it cause me to break controllers. I like RPGs the most because they are a form of escape from any issues I have. The stories

Both are excellent choices!

Still, if I saw that thing flying around I would shit myself and run screaming like a little girl, not in any particular order XD

OMG! That is nucking futs!! I couldn't even hope to do that on my best day ever! O_O;;

That was awesome! A definite throwback ;)

Come on fhqwhgads was the shit! I still go back to the site just to play that ;)

I totally agree with you if he would have been silent I definitely would have moved on...

I remember I had to read EGM cause it was either that or GamePro and GamePro was the absolute worst. You get better reading on used piece of toilet paper =p

That was awesome!

Actually, it released on both. If you remember the PS1 had Grand Theft Auto, followed the second disk, the London 1969 kind of an expansion. Those were meh anyway it didn't get good until GTA2 came out

Evan didn't you hear Sony is gong to be releasing this to compete against Half Life 3, so as soon as Valve announces Half Life 3 you'll know when The Last Guardian is due.

They must have got that idea for the kinekt dude flippin out from me, cause thats me to a T. Screamin at my TV rantin about how that f**kin bullshit and the game is cheating me.

Oh Boy! I am MMORPG... wait... what!?

its too damn expensive, there are cities that have like Lake Placid NY, but even those were like 50 years apart. and with IOC wanting new facilities I dont blame somewhere like Lake Placid for not having interest