
I played mostly on the PS3 with a controller and what i can tell you is that it is great, but switching between crossbars is a pain in the ass once you get to the higher levels. I know that adding macros help but there are still so many buttons. I play it now on my PS4 and I use a kybd and mouse because the hotbar

Maybe it depends on the particular animal. i had a pug that i swear was retarded. If my cat shit or vomited on the floor the pug would there to eat it up. sometimes he would eat his own shit... dumb. fn. dog. On the flipside when I was younger I had a beagle collie mix that could understand particular words and would

That's what I was going to mention... Who remebered MTV releasing the 18 versions of Yes' Leave It Video? Wasn't a whole lot to it same video over and over different cuts different colors, not actually 18 different videos...

Nope no shame, it is not a speed run in my view, when you script the game to run a certain way. A speedrun would be going from start to finish using only in game cheats not hacking the game and cutting it into segments or abusing save glitches. I mean at one point in the video he has over 4000hp and even when he is

How does this qualify for a speedrun. It would be like playing Doom on Godmode and saying I never lost a single hit point cause I'm that good...

Yeah, the one in Brooklyn is madhouse no matter when you go, the one in Elizabeth NJ is just as crowded. I should say the staff in these places are great it's customers that are freaking animals.

fhqwghads was the best have to go rewatch it now!

This happend to me on Chapter 6 I always get sent back to the beginning unless I manually save the game every 2 seconds. I completed the barons mansion and started the next part auto saved. when i cam eback later io had to start from the beginning of 6 again

Man that made my day! I love Tom and Jerry. So full of awesomeness!!

PS4 allows for mouse and keyboard use, works great in the beta ;)

I guess it could have been worse they could have given them a phone with nothing on it, where had to say "Hello give Beaumont 415" or something like that, where had to ask the operator to put you through, now thats old!

The dude come across as creepy and oblivious, but I guess being mean & nasty is the best way to make a point...

Lololol! Lalafells are good for one thing, seeing just how far everyone else can punt them across a zone, or in the pic that you posted a perfect place to rest my ale when in a pub XD

I have to agree at first at least, I have set on my DVR to record the series. My immediate reaction is that it is kinda boorish and overbearing. But im definitely gonna give it a chance at least before jump out and say it sucks

Man I wish I had $500 to just blow cause my cat would look sooooo badass in that gear ^^

Cyclops is definitely the winner there ;)

28 minutes of pure awesomeness!!

Pure Genius Good Sir!

I technically think including the WiiU is a fallacy because it is really not next gen, it really is last gen. Kinda like what the dreamcast was before the PS2 and Xbox came out.

I gotta say that the PS4 is pretty dang durable. If wasnt for the controller catching fire and melting I think it would have taken alot longer to destroy