Tell me more about how your android device's removable battery

It’s almost as if there are people out there enjoying their Wii Us who don’t have the money (or the press backscratches) to acquire every new console as soon as it’s released. Gosh, why keep putting out games for them? Ugh, Nintendo right guys

RIP Bernie Benghazi Outlookserver Foster


Four copies in your name.

What campaign did this guy specifically run, and who are his victims? Links please.

How sad to be so easily offended all the time. I’ll be sure to buy a copy in your name along with the copy I buy in mine.

What harassment campaign did this guy specifically run and who are his victims? Links please.  

Of course you are. It’s the way of the perennially outaged. Please don’t call me amigo like that though. It’s triggering me and I’m outraged.

How about out the pitchfork down and do something with your life besides internet outrage?

It’s almost as if he doesn’t remember something he tweeted three years ago until some triggered loser digs it up.

Oh god, a book from her. Why. She has contributed nothing but self-indulgence to the world.

It’s almost like there’s more than one factor at play in a game we’re still learning about. O U T R A G E !

These people have nothing else to do with their lives. How are they supposed to let it go? And do work, actually work?

She’s just mad because the only thing she’s ever actually made is a shitty HyperCard stack she had to fuck into critical favor.

You still can do that. Just stay off Twitter, unlike the people who waste their entire lives tweeting their outrage while contributing jack shit to the world.

Wahhhh. I’ll buy two copies to compensate for your sad boycott.

Eh, no one gives a shit about them. This game will sell fine in spite of the perennially triggered.

Interesting show or tolerance there. Way to bridge ideological gaps.

Think for yourself. Remember when people did that before Twitter came along?

Who cares how he died? He’s fuckin dead. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Appreciate that the world is a nicer place today.