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    I dunno, shitty teenagers as the focus of movies or shows isn't all that unusual. Quite a lot of them are shitty people (though I guess they're made out to be somewhat likeable anyway). I find it harder to find something were people treat each other decently, like I mostly did in that age myself, though I was

    I think every show or movie that sort of chooses popular/semi-popular kids as their main characters have that focus. Because they can't have typical jocks and cheerleaders as the main cast - who will want to watch that? - so they have to make it more fluid and nuanced, and show people being friends with others from

    I think most people who are in groups are also less classifiable than that, and were even as teenagers. I mean, I felt like I fit quite neatly into categories as a teenager, and I still would have had to combine at least two of the high school movie clichés to make sense of my "character". I think newer movies seem to

    That's a good point! I wasn't one of those loner teenagers myself, but I know they were there, and I'd like to see those stories as well.

    Sort of true for most of life! I suppose the difference is that many teen- or coming of age-movies try to capture something very general and universal, while films about older people go for more specific experiences. And the more someone tells you "this is something everyone who's been young can relate to", the more

    Yes, lean into it, please!

    Realistic movies ≠ good movies. They can be good/good movies can be realistic, but to use it as the main measuring stick almost seems silly, like you've missed the point of film as a storytelling medium. I for one appreciate the heightened reality of movies like Clueless and Mean Girls, while assuming that no one

    That's just weird.

    Yes! XD

    Well I think you're partly right that his views don't come through in running the show - in that I do see sexism in the show's characterization and story archs for female characters, but nothing like the sexism expressed by Moffat in interviews.

    Uhm, okay, so…

    Fair enough! I guess I'm better at seeing the differences on the left side of the political spectrum. :P

    I never made any connection between sharing porn and marginalized groups. I was speaking of the hate speech that's quite often allowed on Facebook for some reason. And I'm really talking about horrible things here, that do not align with Facebook's standards as they're written - and I'm talking about a double standard

    Okay so the old roots of liberalism, not the current supporting-free-markets liberalism (as it refers to outside of the US). I'm pretty sure there are lefties in America who aren't neoliberalist but still not authoritarian. Most people to the left aren't after all.

    I just loathe Moffat and his sexism and over-reliance on shock factors and people acting overly quirky. I'm not very familiar with Chibnall's work.

    Very true about Donna. XD

    What's an "illiberal" leftist?

    I mean… They're not "spew your hateful worldview"-book either, so…

    I really appreciated their interactions! Hope there's more of that. It really made Nardole a more interesting character than his usual banter with The Doctor.

    For me it will be the first since season 4.