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    Well the Handmaid's tale at least had female producers.

    Wait, what? The sentence is "Most countries don't have racism because the country had slaves".

    Are you playing devil's troll advocate or are you actually being serious about defending genocide with "but they were bad too!"?

    Interesting! There'd also be even more people with Scandinavian ancestors. :P

    That's a big difference though. And simply not being the minority would have changed a lot too.

    I saw that suggestion in an "here's a bunch of stories you could make into TV shows instead of this very bad idea" type article. It would be interesting!

    Well, an early end of slavery wouldn't mean no racism. Just look at, like, the rest of the world. Most countries don't have racism because the country had slaves (though slavery as a global phenomenon has had an enormous role in creating modern day racism of course). Immigrants have also been treated like shit

    Okay, there may be too many differences between our countries. In Sweden there are no admission interviews or essays - you get in based on grades or the result of a national test, and that's it. Even if you didn't, not everyone is good at sweet-talking or manipulating their way into things.

    Most people need to study to get high test scores, and homework IS schoolwork. Aside from that, passing is not the only thing that matters, because for certain things you need better than a passing grade. I myself funded my vacations in high school through stipends - and that was my own choice of course, since I could

    What world do you live in where you can just skip all schoolwork and ignore your grades? XD

    I'm not a huge fan of superbad - especially not the sex-related jokes - so maybe that's just a matter of different tastes.

    I've just complained that teens movies aren't supposed to be realistic, and now I'm going to complain about something that's unrealistic. Oh well, I can be quite a hypocrite.

    And then choosing school/education (in Sweden we do that for high school, but teens anywhere have to make decisions about college later on).

    Their relationships, schoolwork, chores, sometimes siblings (though not as much as the parents of course), pets… Some of them have jobs or after school activities that involve being responsible for things/people.

    Hmm maybe. But I had more issues with the whole thing with the criminal guy who ended up being in charge of the interview, or his daughter who was basically just an excuse to make jokes about sex/drugs/barf (very classic and tasteful combo). Things like that.

    Considering how embarrassing a lot of the inner monologue is in My So-called Life, it's probably one of the more realistic shows, yes. XD I also like Joan of Arcadia in terms of representing teenagers, mostly because of the way they look, but also some of the interactions and the issues the show deals with (ya know,

    Dope is great! Especially the first part, and to some extent the last part. Could do without much of the middle. :P

    They give them an overly intellectual and aware voice while also having them do stupid shit because they're young, confused and hormonal - supposedly even more so than anyone I went to school with, because we didn't have that level of drama.

    Teenagers do have responsibility though.

    Very true. It's the lack of realism that make teen movies fun - because in reality, teens aren't fun. I wouldn't describe them as predictable, but they're sure less interesting to me than people my own age or older. And too embarrassing to depict realistically without making a movie too cringe-worthy to watch.