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    My feelings exactly.

    Hi there. I'm Swedish and I laughed.

    Hmm. I'll wait to see any other episodes he wrote before I judge whether it's a good thing he stuck around. I'm quite eager to get rid Moffat, but I have to admit this episode was great.

    Similar to what I would have guessed, but still hilarious.

    It was perfect. XD

    Why? I mean I would love that but I've seen no suggestion of it on the show.

    "I have a hard time believing that facebooks policy is that comments gently mocking white men arent ok whereas its ok if directed at other groups." I didn't say that. Read my comment again.

    How is it objectively false?

    There's no proof that acting out aggression actually alleviates it (research suggests it's the opposite actually), so I don't see how it would help to let people harass each other on Facebook…

    And "…banning someone simply for expressing a hateful opinion". Yes. Let's do that. FFS, why should it be allowed?

    I can see your point about Facebook removing nude pictures and the like, but you totally lost me in the second paragraph. How do you figure those two can even co-exist: Banning people for consensual sharing of naked pictures and videos in a private group but allowing hate speech and videos with violent and disturbing

    It surprises me a bit simply because of how little Facebook's moderation choices make sense. If they have complicated rules it seems that should make things better… Instead they have complicated and partly terrible rules.

    Also if you feel compelled to friend people who are fucked up on Facebook. ^^

    No you're A facebook.

    How would you know if that was true? Do you have insider knowledge about how the page was taken down?

    Just a note: Using "liberalism" to describe people to the left of politics is very confusing for people outside of the US. :P

    Wow. Did you get any sort of explanation of why it was being pulled?

    Sometimes it almost seems as if Facebook went "Okay so which ways of breaking our rules would be the most damaging and awful? Let's allow those ones! And which would be most harmless? Yup, that's a ban".