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    Can't the site owner tweak those things a bit? Have their own filter lists for example?

    It's good that people showed support as a response, but I'd wager she would have preferred not to have it happen much, much more.

    "Basically, context is very important, which is why the rules can seem so inscrutable."
    Well context IS very important, but no that is not exactly the reason people are baffled by Facebook's moderating.

    You can check my other comments in this comment section if you want an explanation of what's wrong with the name. Other people have discussed it as well.

    No it wasn't.

    And also looking fierce. Don't forget their shared dedication to looking fierce as hell.

    It was jarring! And great.

    It was very confusing. I kept thinking "why is there so much focus on this one-off background character that we've never seen before?".

    I think Betty is the most interesting character! Veronica sounds good on paper, and I like the actor, but I don't think the show has managed to make her feel like a person as much as an idea - so far. Jughead is interesting to me because even if he's a little bit of a cliché, he also feels more or less like a person,

    You mean legal terms? It can definitely have an effect genetically. But then so can very distant cousins in a town where everyone is one…

    I don't know if "even" works here since he also thought it was a good pairing because nothing will be "more Blossom" than those twins. XD But yeah, it wasn't as shocking as the characters seemed to think to me.

    I think the show mostly fails at making him a good boring and slightly stupid kid, which is what bugs me. It's like they can't make up their minds if he's supposed to be that or a tortured artist or something else. I do love the moments when they just let the character lean into the silly teenager role completely.

    I was thinking about this too. They could have spent more time examining the line about the twins being ultimate Blossom if they wanted to amp up the creep factor.

    Which is a little ridiculous, because they look nothing alike (Jason and Archie I mean).

    That explains why it's been so all over the place. :S (I've been enjoying the show but it's not really well put-together from episode to episode.)

    I've always liked it when it's revealed to be someone not at all related to any of the characters or mixed up in their drama. A complete stranger even. But then that type of reveal can't be over-used on TV either or it will grow old.

    I agree about the writing, not so much the acting. Not saying he deserves an Emmy, but I think he does his job well and the character is certainly one of the more interesting on the show. Lili Reinhart out-acts all of the teenagers, for sure.

    I had totally forgotten about it too, but then I don't watch the show for anyone but myself. ;)

    I didn't choose anything (I was baffled because the scene surprised me and didn't mesh with my view of the Doctor - THIS Doctor), but I can't speak for others.

    That's not what I asked though.