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    Yes I think so - though jokes/comments about c*-sucking seem to have more of a misogynistic+homophobic thing going.

    People have been criticizing that for a while.

    These types of jokes themselves make blowjobs or sex between men something to be ashamed of though, don't they? As a shorthand for unseemly alliances/letting someone screw you over/letting someone control you.

    Is there fat in Dr Pepper? *confused*

    Kind of, yes. XD

    This isn't about different views on responsibility - I interpreted the scene as him allowing the boy to die because he stopped and did nothing once he caught up with the boy. There was a period of time between the boy being dragged under the surface and him being dragged away (what looked like him being eaten at the

    People can eat whatever the fuck they want. But naming a supposed "healthy" snack Think Thin is just offensive and stupid, and I think it's a strange move to associate Wonder Woman with that brand. That's all.

    It's their actual name though, and not just the slogan - sort of an extra level of crap.

    Erm, I don't think "Think Thin" suggests health or fitness.

    Probably monkeys who go "Well you want to advertise this movie to women. What do women like? Dieting!!!".

    Why does everyone* have to be tone deaf?

    We don't have a "fatty problem" and "thinking thin" isn't even a real thing. Thoughts don't contain fat.

    So the awful name doesn't matter? I'm pretty sure it's called "Think thin" for a reason.

    "Think thin". Does it need further explanation?


    Well this is the defense I've been seeing from others so I guess that's what the response might be.

    Hehe, it did a little bit. To explain a bit more: I meant that in a country where you're not generally expected to smile as much, women are still told to more frequently. So the cultural difference might not be enough to avoid that crap :P

    Really?? Not that Europe is so great when it comes to race, it's just that, well, look at the US…