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    Ah, gotcha! Good point about racism and fearing strangers… Though I'm not American and I don't have any racist uncles.

    That too!

    That's kind of my dream too.

    I don't know what people are actually feeling when they smile at strangers - I'm just saying it feels insincere if you grin widely at everyone. It does signal a different feeling than smiling slightly.

    I never said they don't.


    I would think it's more of national phenomenon, that started in certain parts of the country and then spread through pictures, movies, TV, etc. But I wouldn't be surprised if they were in no way connected either.

    Hey, The Joker gives off a very warm charisma! You'd never know there's anything wrong with him if you met him in the street. He'd just be another polite, charming man who likes to show his teeth.

    Unless you're a woman? I haven't been told to smile that many times outside of photo-taking though.

    Tbh most people are. Pictures of people posing and smiling looks phony, it's just that we're used to that category of phony smiles.

    My granddad always asks me to smile for photos. That's the only time when I don't smile at all.

    I'm not the subject of racism (I'm white), but I'll second the argument that people who smile a lot aren't necessarily nice people who make you feel welcome.

    Well I just read that Wikipedia article and now I fear the nightmares I may have tonight.

    So Americans just feel more threatened by strangers? That's the opposite of what I've been taught! You guys must be really good liars. :O

    Yup, it is uncomfortable and occasionally creepy.

    Wait, it makes an unremarkable-but-okay looking show look like a beautifully designed show?

    His casting made me excited for this show, but even he looks pretty drab here. I'll give it a try though.

    What, you can't bend your arms and legs like in that first picture from the comic? You should stretch more!