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    Missing Tessa Thompson could probably account for a lot of it. Even though I knew the cast would be different I fel disappointed to see the face of a stranger (I haven't seen Browning in anything before) in place of Thompson in the first pictures from the show. But she did a really good job.

    The feed for the Twitter hashtag is SO embarrassing (and occasionally scary).

    There's definitely some cheesy lines, but I still loved the pilot! I saw it back when they first released it and waited a long time for the rest of the episodes. I think it's one of those shows that could have become a favourite around this place if it had continued. Just look at Halt and catch fire - that also

    Oh yeah, definitely. But he was already freaking out when she had only had sex with Blaine once, before she knew who he was, and wasn't planning on seeing him again. And a lot of his obsession seems to be focused on how he failed to man up and go save her (in the finale). That's what bothers me.

    Prince was black…

    I really hope it's just the former.

    What's the point of acting as if we were already in that perfect world? Not sure that's the best choice.

    If they're feminist it makes sense to call them feminist. Not all stories about women are feminist - some are. But also like the person below said, we're not really there yet.

    The word has a definition, and a long history. You can't state that feminism = those people who use feminism to attack trans people and LGBT people, any more than you can say that socialism is about putting people in gulags.

    There can be a difference between what you attempt to say and what you actually say though. I can't know for sure what Moss wanted to say here, but part of the message that came across is that feminism is an uncomfortable label and - as someone pointed out further up - that "feminist" is somehow opposed to "human" or

    Very good point about Moss' comments adding to the separation by contrasting feminist and universal - I didn't think of that!

    I loved Good girls revolt! Do people say it's bad?

    Assholes' success stories is really one of the last things I want to watch.

    The reviewer seems to say not - and guess that the need to represent reality in some way is what's dragging it down.

    I get where you're coming from, but I definitely think a female actor can pull that off. And The Doctor neither has the same biology nor is part of the same society as human beings, so his gender doesn't have to play the same role in his personality as it does for us (and it isn't deterministic for us either).

    All of them could be great!

    "Look, The Doctor has to be a particular type of man from the UK. A white man, who is white, and also a man and white. A bit posh. White man. Man."

    I so want to pretend this isn't true.