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    That's two actors from Luthor who would make a great doctor! Never thought of Wilson before, but she would be amazing.

    Poor man.

    I didn't fall for the show either, but I liked Coel in it! And comparing to her role on The Aliens I could see she can play very different types, which usually bodes welll.

    Insisting that previously male characters can only ever be played by men.

    "Fuck with" or simply change?

    Okay, the comparison to McCarthyism tells me I have nothing to gain from this conversation. If that's how you see this, we're not going to agree.

    She never once writes "Fuck Black-ish" or "Fuck ABC" by the way. All the fuck yous were directed at the men who have assaulted, or at least been accused of assaulting, women. So no, she might not say "Fuck Fox Searchlight" in a review.

    It seems clear that white men are cut way more slack than black men in general, but that doesn't mean everyone who's criticizing a progressive show for doing something very non-progressive and insensitive are coming from that point of view. I definitely don't think this reviewer does, but she may have higher

    (This is when talking about teenagers, btw, who I think have a lot more agency and responsibility than young kids and are partly grown-up - though not fully.)

    It can't possibly be that simple, because human beings aren't that simple (and consent is a human act/feeling). But as a principle, sure. And Grundie + Archie was wrong. Teachers should NEVER sleep with their students, and as a general rule I think people simply shouldn't have sex with minors, even if they're giving

    So by "This review is written with the same pen used…" you mean that the AVC staff, figuratively (I assume) share a pen?

    I think a 16-year-old can be able to consent to sex with an adult (frankly, saying that they can't would mean deciding for people I know that they were raped as teenagers, when they didn't experience it that way AT ALL, and that seems like a bad idea). But it shouldn't be seen that way in the eyes of the law, because

    ? The widely used definition of rape is sex without consent. I understand your point of view, but I don't see any reason to get upset with mine.

    I think Bill called her that herself. It was a little baffling.


    "It calls attention to itself and is a roadblock to the art of storytelling."? What does that mean?

    I hope they don't mess Bill up, because so far she's GREAT. *knocks on wood*

    Why is that baffling? I don't much enjoy Moffat's brand of mystery, so I found both River and Amy lacking - there was potential and both actresses are great, but they got all… Moffat:ed up.

    Yes he seems to have taken some time to think about it! I liked that.