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    I haven't found it anywhere with a credible source at least.

    I didn't notice a lot of Moffatness in this episode, but reading this review I see it. Especially "with the music signaling how damn whimsical everything is". XD Yes.

    You have good taste! Do you also listen to Coldplay, Florence + The Machine, The Mission, Foo Fighters, Massive Atack, Toto and… Fleetwood Mac? (My mom listens to Fleetwood Mac? This playlist is enlightening).

    She did? I skipped that scene to save myself the cringing, but I might have to go back and watch it.

    I love Harvey! Charming is a good word for it.

    TV: Mostly a whole lot of Steven Universe (which I finally started watching a couple of weeks ago). For some reason the episode where Connie and Steven are taught a lesson on forgiving yourself for hurting others + not avoiding difficult feelings made me cry a lot.

    I disagree, though I don't think the term used about it is the most important - it's wrong either way.

    "feels like Doctor Who again" sounds like I should watch it. Trying not to get my hopes up though.

    Characters who are created to be love interests (especially women intended as men's love interests) are rarely good. So you're probably right about that.

    Oh crap, yeah. I don't think it was rape (it's a good thing statutory rape is illegal, but the name is misleading since it doesn't have to be actual rape), but it's still bad.

    Skeet Ulrich really is perfect as Jughead's dad!

    I sort of see common human names like that. If I hear someone's name and they have a common first name, I sort of think of it like "oh, another…". There are a lot of Gregs in this world, and a lot of Daniels and Emmas. When you meet them you realise they're different, but when you just see the name somewehere, it sort

    I'd dig that. Sounds like the name of a Gilmore Girls episode.

    I figured it was some kind of reference. If list makers were all to name themselves "… list", though, I would definitely have the word in my name. LISTS = LIFE.

    :S What should I Google to look it up?

    The Fosters is definitely a show that comes to mind, though it's starting to be so weighed down by the worse parts of the show I don't know if I'd put that trust in it anymore. There were some excellent episodes with a trans guy on the show and his relationship with one of the main characters, for example, but then he

    He seems to suffer quite a lot on the show. I mean, much more than he should with the life he has, at least.

    Oh no, dark Dr. Boot's list! (That username makes this line sound a little confusing.)

    They should double down on the dopiness. Get rid of the rest.

    I like that part of him - I just wish it didn't come with being The Worst Friend, and that they focused a little less on him and his "drama". Trying to make him serious doesn't work well.