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    Burghead <3

    Hehe, that one stuck out to me too. That type of phrasing fits with how they're making Archie look, but I doubt that image is what they had intended for him…

    Yes if Jughead isn't asexual on the show, I think they should show us that whole process. Not just casually hint that they've had sex after a while - that would be a missed opportunity to explore their feelings about it!

    The constant sexual/romantic relationships with adults irks me more though.

    They're around 16, no? Plenty of kids have sex around that age - though far from everyone.

    Insemination! Accidental insemination! No wait, that wouldn't happen on a CW show…

    I like that idea. Though looking at the dog sleeping in his bed next to me, it might be too comfortable for Archie. I want him to suffer just a little for being such an ass.

    I really really really really don't want to see V and B fight over Archie.

    It was a little clumsily phrased. Okay, a lot. I like the idea behind it but it sure could have been more subtle!

    Betty did something stupid, but she's usually good to Jughead. Archie is just the worst (not actually the worst, because he's not scheming and has little/no ill intent, but selfish and pretty damn clueless).

    But, but… Luke Perry! I've only seen Beverly Hills 90210 because there used to be re-runs in the mornings before school, but I feel like he's popped up in more places? You should at least watch the Buffy movie some time!

    Hey, Stewart movie reference! Nice.

    That's a good point!

    How did she "take it out on the readers"? I didn't feel personally assaulted in any way, did you?


    Eh, the reviews here have never "just" been about the art has it? The show is also pretty explicitly about politics, so assessing it based on how it intersects with politics and human values seems fair.

    Need help with what…?

    Yeah, they could surely criticize her without being so condescending?

    Since when are reviews of pop culture supposed to be objective?