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    Has Brown ever shown himself as remorseful? Has he issued public apologies and tried to make amends? Have any of these men? You can't be forgiven if you're not even acknowledging that you need forgiveness.

    That's not the same reviewer.

    … They're not mad at him because he was in the TV episode, they're mad at the TV show for having him guest star. Because of all the other crap he's done.

    None of this makes sense to me, except "FOLLOW THE SYRUP".

    Ick indeed!

    When you describe it that way I kind of like it. Wonderfully odd.


    Haha, okay to you too. Have a nice day!

    I think I watched TV the whole time while my parents slept. Sometimes I'd watch a movie, wake mom up when it ended, and she'd put the same movie on again and go back to sleep. :P Maybe not the best activity, but certainly not dangerous. I don't think there was any candy to eat, unless there was some left from the


    I'm Swedish, so I don't know much about how it works in the US (which I assume you're talking about?), but I can see how it might compare, yes. It's certainly true that dehumanizing of the enemy/"enemy" has been used in plenty of wars. But I thought you meant something closer to the scenario in the episode.

    Huh. A lot of my memories from childhood are of sitting on top of either my dad or my mom while they sleep on the couch, usually because I woke up way too early in the morning. I never thought of that as neglectful. They were right there, after all, and I knew better than to just walk out the door or something riskier


    Haha, yes, she's from the same part of Sweden as half my family, but neither of us had any idea about that! And that time when I went to Stockholm and she went to Åbo at the same time, we were actually both in Stockholm.

    Yeah or just asleep. Human beings tend to sleep you know.

    I remember that feeling about black and white movies for sure! But I at least had a couple of older movies I enjoyed (Mary Poppins comes to mind, as well as older animated Disney movies).

    Disney had the right idea.

    The Godfather movies are so slow though. I don't expect most people to enjoy them. I still haven't gotten around to watching the third one, and I'm at least a bit of a movie geek.

    I'm not 25 yet and my parents showed me the original movies when I was a kid. That was way before I turned into a nerd! Theory disproved.