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    Does that mean my former room-mate was an undercover Russian spy/Japanese whaler? :S

    What's that? I haven't noticed that.

    Unless you believe in a soul that's more than the signals in the brain. But if you don't, then it should theoretically work. With computer technology that can do much more than now, and simulate human thought much better (as well as an actual human brain).

    If the version is fake then there's no point at all! But I don't think it's supposed to be.

    They do? I don't remember any zombie comments.

    Unless the memories created by the copy are transferred to them somehow?

    So freaking depressing (but more low-key than many other episodes).

    I heard that Nosedive and San Junipero were less depressing than the others, so those are the only ones I watched. :) Feeling pretty good about that right now.

    Right? Though San Junipero was one of the least depressing BM episodes ever, it was still painful to watch because of the intense wishing that that technology actually existed. :(

    Are we sure the Gobling king will even be in the movie?

    I would be okay with this.

    … What the…

    :S How?

    And I'm pretty sure I would get nervous and freak out! I'm more impressed by the kid managing to keep his head cold (while doing something he shouldn't, granted) than his other skills.

    No idea. But some of the posts are "sponsered" (or all of them? haven't checked), so maybe that's the motivation.

    Fatness has nothing to do with it, but sure

    Or asleep. Like it says in the article.

    I'm a little stressed out by this impossible rule. If I ever have kids, I won't have that type of control. I probably won't have a car either though… So that's good.

    Huh, you're right. The only pair with a teen we know have had sex is Archie and Grundie.
