

So, in short, Yelp has become the internet equivalent of a protection racket.

Absolutely. I also personally believe that if a religious-based hospital is the only shop in town, they ought to be required by law to practice fully. That or risk being taken over by the government.

It can be hard to wean people off of Yelp. My girlfriend wanted Chinese food the other day, and asked if I knew a good place (since we just moved in together in Kent, where I’ve lived for awhile because fuck Seattle rent.)

I recommended my favorite place (Golden Phoenix, in Covington), and rather than agree to this on

When I managed a Borders we were also responsible for this small calendar kiosk on the other side of the shopping center. I was there covering someone’s lunch break and this crazed woman came over demanding why we had no bichon frise calendars. The dog calendar people were always the weirdest.

Same here. I know I’m going to spend all evening replying to people saying things like ‘Okay, so you’re saying that everyone who lies to someone to get sex is a rapist? LOOK AT THIS FEMINAZI IT’S POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MAD’. Which... I’m *not* saying that but I do think it’s an area where consent becomes grey and

Usually walls at hotel conventions are some shade of white, so he probably wouldn’t have gotten away with that.

No, those “Nice Guys” just let him sexually harrass and then sexually assault her without comment, let alone charges.

Shit like this is why it’s so hard to keep arguing with people when they say there are no good cops, just criminals and the people who cover for them.

Seriously, the greatest religious conversion of my life was accepting the superiority of oven-cooked bacon. Line a cookie sheet with foil, get as close as you can to a single layer of bacon, bake at 400. Turn the slices after maybe 15 minutes, depending on how thickly they’re sliced. Really crisp, evenly-cooked bacon

The story is the stuff of legends and my family. When we were little, my mom and my aunt took all of us cousins to church one Sunday. We were told that if we were good in church we would be getting ice cream afterwards. This incentive proved to be much too powerful for my four-year-old cousin who quickly grew very

I worked for a organization that hosted a yearly musical event at a local Catholic cathedral, which was supportive of the arts.

My brother (Jewish) was dating a Catholic girl with a lovely and welcoming family. They invited him to Easter, where they customarily served ham. But they wanted to be accommodating to his beliefs (not that it matter because he was not observant and did not keep kosher, but they didn’t know that). So, when the whole

I am naturally gross, so I looked it up, having missed your previous post. I was considerably relieved to see it involved plain old piercing rings as opposed to the ouchy mental picture I had conceived, which was a series of grommets set in the skin. It still looks painful to me, but not nearly as bad as I thought.

You’d have better luck getting a serious class on sex education in US public schools than a workers’ rights one. And you’d probably have better luck lobbying for every student to have a unicorn that poops chocolate and pisses rainbows than getting either of those classes.

Saw this yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I keep asking people how this stunt is any different from that whole “Sharia Law” term that gets thrown about in horror by Christians. Isn’t that fear, in essence, a group of people holding the laws of their faith above the laws of the land?

She could make that claim no matter what happened. Me, I’m happy that she got jail time rather than a fine that would have been paid for her by other bigots.

I know that we don’t want her to become a “martyr” for this cause by going to jail, I also really don’t think those convictions will hold her over for very long. Jail sucks.

Bunning also told five deputy clerks who work for Davis that they have until 1:45 p.m. to decide whether they will comply with his order to issue marriage licenses or join Davis in jail.


Dogs forever