
This is really disappointing. I get that the Kings might not want to add fuel to the fire or contribute to any bad press surrounding the show, but seriously, guys. Don’t further insult your viewers (after seasons of shitty storylines for Kalinda, and the ENTIRE State’s Attorney race) by pretending that this blood feud

My cousin did the same thing. He was doing great, going to school, being amazing, he moved out, and I guess he thought screw the pills. Stopped taking them, broken into a house, was out on bond, ran away to Boston, was homeless, thought people were after him to kill him, the cops found him, and then he went into a

We’re coming home along the Thruway and decide to stop at McD’s. There’s a woman and smallish kid in front of us getting huffy and I can tell this won’t end well. And in due time she starts yelling at the cashier, “Why is everything more expensive here? This is ridiculous! You’re ripping people off!” and so on, as the

The first story is one of the few BCO entries that has wrought real, cheek-reddining anger in me. The fucking marker thing!!! Do Sharpies even write on monogrammed thermoses?

Delia Vandermeer: Sucks that he had to do that on HIS birthday.

A cop determined to fuck with you can trigger a dog’s drug response on command.

She wasn’t cavity searched when she was booked. She was cavity searched before she had even been arrested, by the side of the road, and then arrested because she struggled while strangers illegally forced their hands into her vagina. There was nothing “routine” about what happened here.

Messy business...

welp. I always knew it was going to happen one day.

They’ve tried, but it involves wearing a hoodie so it can backfire.

I agree with what you wrote, but I think that there’s just one little word that’s missing. “This had nothing to do with drugs and everything to do with exerting power by sexually assaulting this BLACK woman.” Because no fucking way would this have happened to a white woman and none of us should erase the racial aspect

This had nothing to do with drugs and everything to do with exerting power by sexually assaulting this woman. This is so beyond fucked up. And yet another instance where some power hungry asshole is backed up by his peers. This female cop didn’t stop and think “this seems illegal and totally rapey, maybe I should say

Many years ago at the group home for developmentally disabled teens where I worked there was a resident who really, really wanted to go to the best steak house in the city for his 18th birthday. He had behavior and anger issues, but was determined to earn that birthday dinner, and he managed it. So another staff

So, can we expect a Madonna/Taylor Swift kiss at the next VMAs? Also, I do think that Tay has the emotional maturity of a 15 year old at times. This is one of those times.

Remember when that show started? There were SMART women. Ex: Lisa Ling. Barbara Walters picked smart people. That vision is long gone. I’m disappointed in the show. And worse, bored.

there is no such thing as suffering when it comes to Natalie. None. This song. UGH THIS SOOOONG

Now this is going to be stuck in my head all....

I’m all out of faith.... this is how I feel. I’m cold and I am

DAMNIT! You shall all suffer with me!

“When you’re bipolar it’s amazing what can trigger you. You obviously have a very triggering face.”

What are you talking about? The TSA can easily fuck with a large group of black women and not inconvenience a single white person. You think the airlines are holding up planes for women being searched because teh TSA is scared of large books? No, they’ll just let the women miss their planes and you don’t have to be