
Sounds good. If the following issues get as much praise as this first one, I'll definitely pick up the trade.

Join the Image side. We have self-contained continuity!

I'm interested in getting into Bitch Planet, but I'm wondering: Is it feminist in practice or in language? Like is it about women getting shit done and having three-dimensional personalities or is it a protracted lecture? I love politically daring comics, but I don't want to read a filibuster or feel like I'm being

I watched it for the first time a few weeks ago and was totally blown away. I really can't believe a film so great starring Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman isn't more popular.

Being fairly young I have little experience of The Beatles beyond their actual output (of which I think I've heard everything), but my mother always says if any of them had to die young it was best it was Lennon because if he was still alive he'd be one of those aging celebrities who constantly tries to get people's

The fact that you call pop culture pop pop tells me you're not ready to make a top 10 list.

Sure! Just a few simple things really.
1. I want honesty in journalism. Not transparency necessarily, but I want writers to feel comfortable expressing what they want to say without fear of their careers being destroyed.
2. This is unlikely, but I'd love it if the endless stories of titles getting ratings they don't

I have. I've seen all the angles. GamerGate is the right one. I know I'm not going to convince anyone here of that though. The AV community is very anti-GG and I knew that when I made the choice to comment in favour of it. The vitriol I'm getting isn't surprising at all.

You seem to have very selective perception when it comes to things you've set your mind on.

By this logic, I should stop being a feminist because the loudest voices in feminism are preaching hate.

I'm 21. I'm guessing you're 30-50 and are going to claim the vapors of youth have overtaken my good senses and sent me on a silly turn.

So disagreeing with you means I'm comparable to a cultist?

That's kind of picking and choosing what evidence you want to look at though isn't it? There are loads of other sources of suspicion of collusion from critics making major monetary contributions to devs to blatant tweets about conversation steering on Reddit. I think we need to pull our collective heads out of the

I prefer game journalism to be more than glorified ads too. I want deconstruction of tropes and trends and all that, but you have to admit, there is a point where the conversation stopped being about video games and started being video game-flavored social justice hug-boxing.

Its been kind of a bum year for pop I think. I have a soft spot for poppy stuff and party anthems, but other than Fancy (which I loved) and Turn Down For What (which I hated) nothing really stood out this year. Honestly those two and Let It Go are the only mainstream songs of 2014 I can remember.

How so?

Especially given the influence Lovecraft's settings had on Stephen King, who is mentioned here.

I think that sums up everything that need be said about the issue.